Come with me🙃

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D:bro,chilllll y/ns sleeping
A:oh dint see her there😅
A:why are y'all on the floor tho?😏
D:bro stop I'm with-🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️we're on the floor because we went through our phones and we had been live for hours and we got tired
A:😭😔damm it I thought y'all got together
Y/n:were just friends dumbass *in a sleepy voice
A:ahhh my baby it's up
Y/n:Alex is my daddy😂
Y/n:I'm his daughter
D:oh ok then 😅🤣
Y/n:were you jealous I called him daddy ?* I tease him
D:what why would I be😒
Y/n:k then I was just saying ,im gonna change
* I got up and went upstairs and hopped on the shower
D:I want to invite her to Disneyland
A:😱🥺can I go ??
A:aww okay I'll go with vereena another time
D:oh vereena😏😏
D:shut up🤦🏽‍♀️
A:anyways I'm going out ..
D:wait where the others
A:they left like at 8 to go somewhere 🤷‍♀️
D:oh ok
With y/n
You change into this ⬇️

D:dang babygirl 😏Y/n:omfg Diego you scared me🤦🏽‍♀️💀!D:you look great Y/n:thanks but why are you here?D:the bathroom in my room is not working so I came by yoursY/n:oh mine works and Alex?D:he locked his room🙄Y/n:okay you can shower hereD:thxY...

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D:dang babygirl 😏
Y/n:omfg Diego you scared me🤦🏽‍♀️💀!
D:you look great
Y/n:thanks but why are you here?
D:the bathroom in my room is not working so I came by yours
Y/n:oh mine works and Alex?
D:he locked his room🙄
Y/n:okay you can shower here
Y/n:uh hu🙂
*he got in the shower and you started to do your makeup
30mins later...
I heard the door open I saw Diego shaking his wet curly hair and with a towel on his waist and I could still see his abs
Y/n:damn *whispers
D:😂 you said something?
Y/n:what?? No uh..I'll turn around
D:I know you wanna see this y/n😏
Y/n:eww fuck off🤦🏽‍♀️
*he starts to get changed and comes behind you
D:done, wanna go out somewhere?
Y/n:yup let me just get this last thing
D:k I'll be downstairs
After you were done you went downstairs we're Diego was
Y/n:so where ya wanna go?
D:hehe let's walk around
*you grabbed your keys and purse with your phone

*while walking around you were on your phone texting Alex he said he was eating chick fil a by himself and he was missing you

Texting "Alex 💞😘"

A:so where Ya at?
Y:I'm here with Diego having a walk 🙂
A:with Diego?🥺
Y:yup why that face?
A:I wanted to hang with you today😔
Y:aww we can hang out later where are you?
Y:you better bring me sum tf are you thinking going to chick-fil-a with out me!!!
Y:my ass😒
A:yum 😋
A:hahaha I'm just kidding 😚
Y:keep playing 😤
D:hey y/n who you texting? You haven't said a single word
Y/n:oh right! I was just texting Alex
D:why what's up?
Y/n:nothing he says he's at chick-fil-a eating and "misses" me
D:oh..🤔do you like him?

*i stopped walking and looked at him
I'm gonna keep playing his game 😏😂

Y/n:well... I don't know
D:you don't know?
Y/n:I mean yea he's so freaking hot and I wanna fuck him
y/n:but..he Dosent feel the same
D:maybe he does..😕
Y/n:why are you asking me this?
D:I wanted to tell you something...
Y/n:what's up🙂
D:well I like-

  😱😤 cliffhanger 💕

You gotta love those


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