
785 19 12

*with Hailey and Diego

O: hey Diego why'd you run of like that?
D: So we're gonna act like Nothing happened,How she literally told us to fuck off and she dint need us
O:no I mean she did say all those hurtful things but.. you know "humans make mistakes" guess what Diego I've made so many mistakes all my life hundreds and millions but I always had friends who helped me out so even tho she say she doesn't need us we'll always be there for her cuz friends always have each other's back right?
D: I just-I don't know what's happening with me !!
O: why wha do you mean
D:*cries Hailey please don't tell anyone this but I want to stop hurting her and we both end up hurting I love her she's the best of friends that I have met I really feel hurt if things happen to her I want to know what I'm feeling i always wanna be next to her and make her feel safe but there's something I feel between that...
O:it's nothing between that is Someone
O:come on diego! Your not that stupid are you ?! It's Alex!!! You love y/n and not like friends more than that and you know it and I've always had that vibe that y'all were gonna be together
D: ... ... ... Hailey your right!!
O:knew it *smiles*
D:but.. she has a boyfriend she has Alex
O: I'll do something for you ok but I want you to make her yours like it should be !
D:what are you talking about
O:you'll see
*1 month later

You and Diego kinda started talking and he started to get a little comfortable around you again I really loved that I missed him ,I missed being with him...

O:hey alex the manager said he wanted to talk to you
A:about what??
O: HoW the fuck am I supposed to know 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️
A:man !

*with the manager


Ma:hey alex
A:what's up?
Ma:well I have to send you to another bus I'm really sorry but you'll be with the others on the other bus
A:What?! What about the friends I have here
Ma: I'm really sorry but you'll have to go this night
A: fine😔
A:hey babe
A:I have to tell you something...
Y/n:what's up?
A:the manager just told me that I got moved / transferred to another bus
For the last meet and greet
A:i - same reaction
Y/ n:no but why
A:I don't know?
Y/n:and I'm staying??
Y/n:Aww Alex please tell me you won't forget me
A:*laughs * I won't what are you talking about
Y/n: you better!
A:I am😉
*you go up to him and kissed him for like 10minutes
Dess:hey love birds were going out to eat
Y/n:oh we'll be right there
*at the place (where ever you want)

You all ordered and ate and talked and laughed and made tik toks and all that

Y/n:well excuse me y'all i need to go to the restroom
Everyone: alright
*you went to the bathroom
And you were doing your things then washed your hands and fixed your face a little then someone came in
With a black hood he came behind you and grabbed your waist
*you turned around and it was ....malvin your abusive ex
M:hey babygirl
M:shh stop screaming

He started to kiss you and you pulled away and slap him
_*he grabbed your cheeks really hard and pulled your face close to his
M:Turn that Fucking tone Down when your talking to me!!
Y/n:fuck you *you spit on his face
M:you'll regret that slut!

*he slapped you and you fell on the floor then he got in top of you kissing you hard
*he covered your mouth then kept kissing you
Y/n:* muffled voice* HELP!!
M:no one can hear you baby I'm always gonna be close to you and I wanted to see you before I leave...
Y/n:*cries* please stop!!
M:heh don't you miss this?
Y/n: stop!!
*bangs on the door
*malvin turns to the door and you hit him where the sun don't shine with your leg
He got off you grunting
*malvin grabbed you and threw you on the floor really hard that you fell on the back of your head he went up to you and looked down at you
M:I'll be back

Then everything went slowly black and you were hearing Diego's voice fading away


*next thing you know you wake up and everyone is around you giving you breeze with a napkin
Everyone: Y/n thank god your awake
Y/n: !!! Where's malvin ?!?! *you were super scared
D:what do you mean he isn't here ?!
A:Diego what the fuck is she talking about?!
D:it's her abusive ex-boyfriend
Y/n:he was in that bathroom he wanted to rape me he knocked me out before Diego opened the door
D:that's why you were on the floor???
Y/n*nods* and cries*
A:baby calm down
*you cry on his shoulder when he was hugging you
Y/n:Alex .. he wanted to touch me
A:don't worry he's gone he won't do anything to you no more
Y/n: he said he'll be back
A:well he will have to go through me first
*everyone comforted you and took you home then later on everyone said bye to Alex
D:hey want me to stay over at your room or ..
Y/n:no YoU can come with me ..
D:k then
Y/n:diego What if he comes around again?
D:he won't well be around we're here for you
Y/n:*smiles* thanks diego i -I'm glad we're back as friends
D:*crooked smile * yea friends...
*he slept in the floor next to your bed

In the morning...

Okay so this was a long chapter... like some of you asked and this will totally get more interesting and a little deeper and sad but that's what y'all want so .. I'll make it happen



Forever mine💕🥀Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin