Camping 🧺🌲.

928 22 5

C: well me and dess planed on going to a camp near and we wanted to ask you guys to come..
B: a camp??
O:nice some nature time won't be a bother
D:🥴 i guess
Y/n:that sounds fun to me babe what do u think??
A:huh? I - I like it
*you guys decided to go camping you went to your room and put your hair up

B: a camp??O:nice some nature time won't be a bother D:🥴 i guessY/n:that sounds fun to me babe  what do u think??A:huh? I - I like itY/n:🤦🏽‍♀️😂ok *you guys decided to go camping you went to your room and put your hair up

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_.ʏ/ɴ_. -Tʜᴇʏ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ sʜᴀᴅᴇ ᴏɴ ᴡʜᴀᴛ sʜɪɴᴇs ✨😍


Dessxs - girl keep on shining  🥺
Fan- broooo can I be pretty like you
Blesiv- babygirl so fine🥴😍
Fan- 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅???! An i oop
Fan-omg yay their dating
Carlos-were gonna leave your ass if you don't hurry up 😐
^ ._y/n_. - do it let's see what happens 🙄
Diego martir- put that mf finger down😡
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* at the camp
Y/n:damm looks pretty lonely
B:supposed to be lonely 🤦🏽‍♂️
Y/n: are their any pandas??😌🥺
C: y/n are you acting dumb or are you dumb 😐
Y/n: bitch watchu say???
C:who me? I dint say nun
Y/n: uh hu keep trying me carlos
C:calm down your girl alex😭
A:lets jsut get the camp ready before night
*you all started working and got the forts up

Dess: hey y/n carlos needs wood to start the fire can you go with diego?
Y/n:oh yeah ok..
*diego was on his phone playing a game on a stool
Y/n:hey curly frie!
*he looks up to you and smiles
D:hey whatsup?
Y/n:can you get wood with meh🙂
*he gets up and puts his phone in his pocket
*you run inside the woods and Diego chased you you ran away laughing until you tripped and fell on your back Diego also tripped and fell on you
Y/n:ah! Shit Diego damm your heavy tf
D:😭 hey don't call me fat🤚🏼 bully!
Y/n:im not a bully😢
Y/n:ok now where the fux we find wood
D:ehm idk let me look for sum
*you both looked everywhere
D:hey look I found some
Y/n: yay cool
*you grabbed as much as you could and so did diego
D:ok let's head back it's really dark
Y/n:uh.. Diego which way did we come from....
D:?!?! Fuck! We're lost
Y/n:omg no no no diego I hate woods and the dark

You drop the wood and run to him and hug him he widen his eyes and hugged you back
D:it's okay lil baby *smiles
D:let me look for the camp

You started to cry and pulled him into a tigh hug
Y/n: Diego you d-don't understand t-this is where malvin chased me..
*you start to cry really hard and your legs began to shake you fell on the floor stlll crying
D:aww y/n dont cry im here i wont leave your side
D:that bitch wont find you hes probally in prison
Y/:no... He cant hes been hiding from thr police
D:but lil baby its okay ill be here come on lets grab the wood and find a spot where we can spend the night until tommorow we can bearely see in the dark
Y/n:wait! Diego your phone
D:were in the woods lil baby it don't work
Y/n: fuck😔
D:I can try tho
*diego called everyone but the call wasn't going through
•with the gang

A:hey carlos shouldn't y/n be back?
C:yea I need that wood
A:shut up, what about y/n I don't know if she's okay
O: you fucking Carlos sent y/n all alone?!???
B:bro wtf is wrong with yhou she's a girl
O: and so what if she's a girl?!?! You sexist
B:I'm not!!!
C:How is it my fault
O:you sent y/n
*everyone started to shout and fight each other (not physically)
A:your stupid boyfriend sent y/n alone to get wood and she hasn't come back
Dess: hasn't came back? I-I told her to get wood with Diego where's diego?
B:he isn't here
S:*yawns can y'all bitches shut up😤😤
O:sally where the fuck where you
S:sleeping🙄now where's my main bitch? I haven't seen her
B: ...
A: ...
Dess: ...
S: ona,Alex,Carlos ,Brandon ,dess where the fuck is she?!?!
A:Carlos you tell her it's your fault anyway
C:s-shes .. uh well you see umm I sent her for wood and she hasn't came back..
O;she's with Diego tho
S: you little piece of shit Carlos if something happens to her you'll have to face me dumbass at least she has diego
*sally stormed off
O:I' will talk to her
A:so diego is with her
B:trust me diego is strong and brave and cares about y/n lots
C:well wait for them until tomorrow it's too dark to look for them
*3:45 am
There is 4 forts
Dess-carlos in one
Sally -diego
Alex- and you

*with you and Diego

D:hey you sleepy?
Y/n: haha no way

(Btw you were next to each other sitting down)
D: okay then..
3 mins later
Diego's pov
I felt something fall on my shoulder I turned around and it was y/n sleeping
I laid her down and cuddle with her I guess she won't mind I mean I am her friend...

The next morning

Omg this is why I don't do camping shit
970 words

Forever mine💕🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora