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Y/n: Hi.. Alex
*He sat down and looked down and then up again
A:look I know you are literally so pissed right now and I absolutely get it like I get yhou but I want you to forgive me
Y/n: I thought you said I dint have to forgive you ,your such a LIAR
A:no wait! Hear me out please look the person who you saw kissing that girl wasn't me !
Y/n: *laughs* alex I can literally pull my fucking phone and show you a picture of you all up on that bitch IM NOT FUCKING KIDDING BRUH!
A: shh ok I know what you saw you saw me right? But someone Locke me in a room and they made you think I cheated on you but it wasn't  me
Y/n: How is someone gonna look exactly like you Alex huh?!?!!
A: I know it's crazy and let me tell you at the camp when I ran away I got kidnapped I couldn't see who was it but that person keeps using me to hurt you!
Y/n :*laughs * what if you are just making this up? How can I trust you?!
A: I have a plan okay..?
Y/n: what now ?
A: I know whoever this person is want to hurt you or get to you so if I start to date you they will try for me to look like Im with someone else or do something to make me hurt you but... if Im that person I will have this thing on my shoulder
*he pulled his sleeve up revealing his shoulder and drew a " A+y/n 💕"
Y/n: what? What's that supposed to do if you see me and I do something wrong check my shoulder if I have this is me and if I don't is someone who is dressed like me
Y/n: okay.. but how can someone have your face I don't get it?!?!
A: 2019 baby have you seen pretty little liars?
Y/n: first of all I ain't no ones "baby " and second of  all I have and it's just a series 3 Dosent mean just because it's in that it can become a real life case
A:just please follow this plan I - I need to get atleast your friendship back🥺
Y/n: Fine but if this is you! I will NEVER EVER let you get close to me
Y/n: bye Alex
A:we have to say we're dating again
Y/n: 🙄 okay just take a picture and say something

Y/n's story

"Talked it out🥺😍😭" @blesiv

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"Talked it out🥺😍😭"

Alex's story

"Glad calling her my baby again 🤞🏼😍"@_

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"Glad calling her my baby again 🤞🏼😍"

Y/n: There I need to go
Y/n: my house
A:why is diego with you???
Y/n: He needed a place to stay and he's by BEST FRIEND. Sooo
A:yeah cool
*you left and arrived at your house you walked in and saw jazmin in top of diego

You ran in and grabbed her by her fake ass hair
Y/n: bitch get off him you hoe
J:hahaha says the actual hoe
Y/n: bitch I can beat your ass again
J:ha you'll try to and will FAIL
*you both ended fighting and she did get to hit you but you of course ended up winning (periodt)

Y/n's thoughts over

*jazmín quickly got off of Diego
Y/n: uh..hey y'all imma be in my room
J:oh hey y/n
D:  ...
*wait why dint Diego say anything??


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