Love in Daekan | Valentines One Shot

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"When you kiss the one you desire the most in the moonlight, she will became yours forever..."

"What kind of bullshit is it?" Mugwang smirked loudly, hearing his brother's words. Daekans were sitting in the tavern, enjoying their free time after the successful hunt.

"These words are written in the book. I truly believe in them" Mubaek said, clenching his fingers on the book's cover. Bringing it with himself seemed to be the worst decision he made.

"You believe so easily in old wench's words? Are you really my brother? Stop reading sappy stories. Moonlight shit will make women fall in love with me? That's a total bullshit! I could make them mine if I only want" Mugwang added, folding his arms. His cheeks turned red and he wasn't able to hide it.

"Well, we don't see many ladies around you."

Daekans laughed discreetly, making him even angrier.

"You smirked, little brat, didn't you?!" he growled, looking at Yangcha, who was trying not to listen to him, which was extremely hard. "You lost your minds, all of you!"

"Stop making scenes, Mugwang" Mubaek sighed loudly, opening the book. He read again that sentence about moonlight, feeling well his own heart that was beating fast in his chest.

"Am I makings scenes? You are the one who is makings scenes! You, you, and you! Stop being delusional. We both know that you will not confess your feelings and that cursed moonlight will not help you. You are coward, Mubaek, and you are damn mute!" Mugwang said angrily, pointing at his brother and Yangcha.

"Mugwang, just calm down and..."

"Fucking virgins..." he mumbled.

He stood up, getting out of the tavern. Mubaek sighed, ignoring his brother. Maybe Mugwang was drunk and that was why he was so annoyed? Or maybe he was jealous?

There was a girl, who was so special for Mubaek. But he didn't want to confess his feelings, but not because he was a coward. He was afraid that the moonlight kiss wouldn't have made her fall for him. What if Mugwang was right, and the book in his hands was only a delusional story? Maybe such a warrior shouldn't have had a woman by his side. Moreover, the girl he loved was too kind. She was like a soft flower petal. She treated with kindness every single human being. She was helping people and he was killing them.


"Stupid moonlight shit... I don't need it to make girls mine!"

Mugwang kicked the small rock, mumbling silently. He was angry, frustrated and annoyed, because of his brother and Yangcha, who clearly laughed at him! The thing was... Girls didn't seem to be interested in him, but he didn't know why. Because of his temper?

And who was that girl, Mubaek wanted to confess his feeling? Was she a priestess? And what about that mute brat? Was he interested in someone as well? So it looked like Mugwang was really the only one who couldn't find his second half. But he had a plenty of time to find the best candidate for himself, much better than Mubaek's and Yangcha's.

Mugwang raised his head, looking up at the sky. He still remembered Tanya's curse. It looked like the crescent moon was waiting for the night to show itself.

"I will not die" he said silently, spitting on the ground.

He felt so lonely for the first time in his life. What if it was his last night? There was no way. Mugwang slapped his own cheeks to calm down.

"I don't need that stupid book! I am a warrior and the hunter and that means if the girl doesn't like me, I will force her to do it" he said, clenching strongly his fists and smiling widely. "I will shoot the arrow of love in the middle of her heart" he added.

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