I ran upstairs to my room and change into my pajamas and got into my bed.

I sigh. Oh boy I knew something tonight would happened like this. Usually when Charlie has something planned she usually need up sick or either grounded and I know how much she likes Greyson but I'm not letting him or anyone else get sick tonight.

Selena comes in wanting to know what was going on.

Charlie has the chicken pox and I'm afarid where gonna have to send Greyson home but she doesn't want to.

Selena: don't worry I can talk to Charlie since I already had it, you tell Greyson to tell him to do it another time
Nick: okay I will. Thanks Sel
Selena: no problem

Selena kiss me before heading up the stairs and I took a deep breath and walk into the living room.

Joe: what's wrong Nick? Is everything okay?
Nick: yeah everything great, except everyone has to go home now
Greyson: why and where's Charlie?
Nick: she has the chicken pox and I don't want her to get everyone sick
Greyson: but I just got here
Nick: I know, which is why where gonna have to reschedule so how about next Thursday?
Greyson: deal. Tell Charlie I said bye and feel better
Nick: don't worry I will and make sure you get hand siltier because I don't want you to get you or your family chicken pox either
Greyson: okay

Greyson left and I told the guys to stay away from Charlie unless they haven't caught the chicken pox. Joe ran out of the house already the minute I said chicken pox, but Kevin stayed because he already had the chicken pox when he was little. It's a good thing Kevin stayed because I could really use help taking care of Charlie.

After Selena and I had a little talk, I was a bit disappointed that Greyson had to leave but also excited that Nick reschedule especially when he has a busy schedule.

I so badly want to scratch but Sel told me not to and that Nick would be up here any minute with the cream any. Just what I expected Nick walk through the door holding a bottle of cream and two pairs of oven mitt.

Nick: hey baby girl I got you something that will make you stop scratching.
Charlie: is it Greyson?
Nick: *frowns* no I'm sorry honey he had to go.
Charlie: *pouts*
Nick: I'm sorry kiddo I didn't want the germs spreading to his family and getting them all sick too *sighs* let me put this on for you.

Nick carefully put some cream all over my skin before putting oven mitt on me.

Nick: mom did this to me when I first got my chicken pox, she said it will keep you from scratching, so don't you dare take them off.

Charlie: fine... thank you for taking care of me Nicky
Nick: no problem baby, get some rest baby, if you need anybody Sel, Kevin and I will be downstairs.
Nick: what if you can't hear me?
Nick: I got a baby monitor right here.
Charlie: *pouts* I'm not a baby. And why do you have this anyways there's no baby in the house
Nick: Charlie I don't want to argue with you, you call me on this whether you like it or not.

I pouted again before grabbing it from him.

Charlie: fine...
Nick: good girl. Get some rest it will help you control you from scratching.

I nodded and Nick kissed my forehead before leaving with Sel and I tried my best not to scratch and fell into a deep sleep.

* Few days later*

Nick said I've been getting a lot better and that Greyson was able to come by tomorrow for lunch. I was to excited that I couldn't wait. I hate being sick and Nick knows it.

Nick came into my room and instead of glass of orange juice which I ask for he came in with a bottle of water and my diabetic kit which I did not ask for.

Charlie: Nicky I ask for orange juice.
Nick: Charlie... you had a lot of orange juice this week and the doctor said you need some water as well and to check your levels every once a while to make sure you're not drinking too much sugar
Charlie: *mumbles* why don't you check your levels?
Nick: *raise eye brow at me* pardon me.
Charlie: *gulps* n-nothing.
Nick: you better say nothing. I understand you're just getting over a fever, but I will not tolerate your attitude young lady, and I'm getting sick of it
Charlie: I'm sorry, its just that... I've been in bed all week with nothing to do and sometimes I get grumpy for doing nothing.
Nick: I understand that, but that still gives you no rights to talk to me in that tone young lady. Whether you're sick or not I will hesitate to pull you over my knees. You have been wanting this for a while, so one more mishaps and trust me you wouldn't like where you're headed
Charlie: *mumbles* yes sir.
Nick: good girl.

Nick hand me my diabetic bag and I open it up and took out what I need. Nick did the needle for me and soon waited and the omin pod read.
Nick: *sighs* 310, no wonder you're so cranky have you been checking often?
Charlie: *quiet* no.
Nick: why?
Charlie: because it's hard and stupid.
Nick: it's not stupid Charlie, it's part of your health. If you want to keep living you have to check frequently. You see me do it everyday.
Charlie: that's because you're a pro at this, I'm still struggling
Nick: I know it sucks kiddo, but you will get better handle at it, I know because I was rookie like you too
Charlie: you make it look so easy
Nick: would it help if I do it with you?
Charlie: yes please!

So Nick taught me how to practice giving myself shots every once in a while, until I finally got it on my own. I was happy that Nick was their for me because I don't know what I will do with my life if he wasn't here.

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Where stories live. Discover now