Once the Sentries arrive at the spot where I dropped and they discover nothing but blood, they will expand their search.

With my breath held in my lungs, I steal a glance back towards the campsite. It's bright lights, still visible.

To my right, a shrill girl's scream sounds, sending goosebumps up my arms. I did not know anyone else was out here except the three of us, but of course, that's entirely egotistic and stupid to think we'd be the only ones avoiding bloodshed. I wonder who the girl is as I hear gunshots sound and then silence.

It can only mean one thing, and I shiver. I know what awaits me if they find me. A bullet to the brain. Maybe. If I'm lucky. My breath tremors out of me. I can't help the shaking anymore, and it's got nothing to do with the zero degrees temperature outside. It's simple. I'm afraid to die.

I see three flashlights converge at the spot where I'd dropped meters away from me. I dare not move. One crunch of a leaf and I'm dead. One sharp breath and I'm dead. I hold my breath. Luckily, I'm a good swimmer, but even then, I can only hold my breath for two to three minutes before my lungs burn. With my tech working, I could have easily done fifteen minutes without another breath, but I don't have that luxury tonight. Not since Gems electrocuted me.

"Where is she?" They scan the ground. One of them picks up the bullet that dropped, marking the spot where it hit me. He holds it up to the beam of his flashlight. "She's definitely hit!" he says as a matter of fact.

"But not fatally, so where is the blood trail?" The second sounds curious.

It makes me curious too. I sit here tucked away within the shadows of a giant tree, I stare at my thigh where the bullet hit. There's a tear in my pyjama leg, and my tanned skin peeks out. Perhaps even a smattering of blood colours the edging, but to my surprise, no blood oozes out of the wound. I touch the spot and the skin tingles as my fingers trace the pink flesh. I'm pretty sure it had been a nasty gash made by a bullet a moment ago.

"What the?" I say soundlessly. I know the bullet hit me, hit me and brought me down. So where is the wound? No one heals this fast, not even in 2081. Not even with fused CodeTech making us virtually superhuman.

"She's got to be here. Search the ground!"

My head snaps up, and I eye the Sentries again. They fan out from the spot, their flashlight sweeping with immense precision. One is heading straight for me without even knowing it. My pulse quickens. Somewhere further away, I hear the echoes of shots being fired, more screams. I pray that it's not Nate. Or even Sentry 176.

A beam sweeps closer and closer. I draw a quick breath and close my eyes against the beam sweeping up the path towards my face. This is it. Please let it be quick so I don't feel it.

The light hits my face.

But nothing happens.

I wait. The wait is killing me. What is he waiting for? Shouldn't he be screaming "I got her!"? I'm sure I'm quite a pathetic sight, scrunched up in a ball, pretending I'm invisible to the world. He's probably savouring the moment as he points his gun to my head.

The beam lingers on my face another moment before darkness returns to my eyelids. One. Two. Three. Nothing.

I take a peek. The Sentry continues surveying the surrounding area, right around me. His beam sweeps the brush methodically. His boot crunches the debris steadily. Slowly but surely, he's moving away from me.

Why didn't he alert the others? I glance at him to make sure he is indeed moving away. This is my chance perhaps. I don't know why he didn't call out to his team. I frankly don't care. In fact, I'm thankful he's shown mercy. Maybe, like Sentry 176, he doesn't support what just happened in the canteen. Innocents killed.

I slowly get up and walk away while the coast is clear. One step, two steps, till I'm at least twenty meters away from them and their beams. Then I break into a sprint, surprised my legs are strong and agile. Surprised, the breath is steady in my breast. Surprised that the bullet hole that should have been in my leg is no more. How? — I do not know, but I'm thankful nonetheless.

I have to find Nate. I make ground fast. Perhaps my system has finally rebooted, just in the nick of time. My vision clears, focusing sharply on the trees and shrubs I'm coming up to. The huddle of Sentries long behind me now.

"How did you do that?" Nate's voice echoes next to me suddenly, giving me a fright.

"How did I do what?" I ask as I scan him from head to toe, making sure he is in one piece. He is.

He eyes me suspiciously, like I should know what he's talking about. I don't.

"What?" I ask, glancing behind us to make sure we are still in the clear. If we can run fast, the Sentries can run faster once they get on our trail. It's in their coding.

"I saw you get shot!" Nate says, narrowing his eyes.

In the distance, we hear the Sentries approaching.

"I thought I was too, but maybe I wasn't." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a run again. "How far are we from the river now?" I ask. All other questions can wait.

"Five clicks, maybe."

"Sentry 176?" I ask, forgetting I actually know his name. "I mean Gems. Where's he?"

"He surrendered to buy us time."

"There!" a shout comes from behind us. "There, I see two more!" A beam glides towards us like a demon seeking lost and desperate souls.

And we flee. It's the only thing we can do right now. Flee.

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