Chapter 14: Final Battle

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Mr. Gavin was already there when Apollo walked in with Mr. Wright. He kept his eyes glued to the ground as he could feel the older man glare daggers into his back. Just as he felt himself start to shake from fear, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Apollo glanced back to see it was Mr. Wright who was the owner of said hand with a reassuring smile.

"You've got this kid. Don't worry about him too much," the pianist reassured him. Apollo nodded, raising his chin up. As much as he would have loved to run and hide in a hole far away, he made a promise to Vera. He would expose the truth and put Mr. Gavin away for what he did. He would fight for justice.

Apollo stood across from Klavier, Mr. Wright by his side. They locked eyes and the blond flashed his rockstar grin. To anyone else, it would've been a taunt or a greeting. But Apollo knew that it was a reassurance. He could see it in Klavier's eyes that he would be right there to support him. Apollo fought his own smile that threatened to break out across his face, and simply gave Klavier a nod showing that he understood. He was finally ready.

"Will the witness state his name and occupation?" The older blond scoffed at Klavier's request.

"Is this really necessary?" he asked. "I'm not only your older brother, but Justice's mentor." A glare was thrown at Apollo causing him to flinch. "I suppose ex-mentor now."

"Wait a minute, isn't the current defense attorney still in training? Do we need a new lawyer?" the judge asked incredulously.

"He isn't, your honor," Mr. Wright piped up. "Apollo left Gavin Law Office's and came to work for a much better office." Mr. Gavin's glare turned to the spiky haired man which was returned even harsher. Apollo shuffled his feet, feeling uncomfortable by the anger coming off the man next to him. It wasn't directed at him but he could still feel it coming off in waves from the ex-attorney, making Apollo wonder just how much bad blood was between the two.

"I suppose to a rat that a garbage bin and a luxury display will look just about the same," Mr. Gavin snarked. Mr. Wright opened his mouth, probably to snap something back, when Klavier cleared his throat.

"Let us rock and roll, ja?" he suggested, obviously trying to get the trial back on track.

"The defense agrees with the prosecution," Apollo said while giving the man next to him a pointed look. He didn't even look ashamed in the slightest, maybe even looking a bit proud at himself.

"Very well," Mr. Gavin adjusted his glasses while speaking, "go ahead and ask your questions."

"Can you tell the court about your... relationship with Drew Misham, the victim and his daughter?" Klavier asked.

"It is simple. I didn't know either of them." Multiple things happened at once for Apollo because of this statement. His bracelet tightened and his eyesight became focused, while chains appeared around the witness along with 5 black locks. He did his best to stifle the gasp that came to his mouth as he was still unused to the... stone's ability. Mr. Wright seemed to notice his shock and grabbed his shoulder to shake Apollo out of his stupor.

"Just take a deep breath and relax kiddo," he said calmly. "You know he's lying and you've got the evidence to show it." The brunet nodded, following the advice. He felt himself calming down immediately and turned back to the task at hand.

"Mr. Gavin, you're lying about not knowing the Mishams," he said confidently. He then pulled out the bottle of nail polish, the one that Vera had been using before yesterday's trial began. "Does this bottle look familiar?"

"I would think that you would know of it, Justice." Apollo did flinch, remembering a bad day at the office a few months ago. "To humor the defense, yes. I do know it. Ariadoney nail polish. One that apparently both I and the late defendant use." Apollo felt himself grow angry at the implication that Vera was dead.

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