Chapter 6 (TW): Machi's Trial

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First day of Machi's trial comes and goes. Kristoph assigned himself as Apollo's Co-counsel for the trial but kept quiet throughout the trial. After heading home, Apollo is scared to find his boss at his doorstep. Kristoph didn't like how Apollo acted during the trial, more specifically he didn't like how the younger man was looking at Klavier. Kristoph starts hitting him, accusing Apollo of falling for Klavier's "tricks". Mikeko tried to defend his human, but Kristoph kicked him into the wall. (He's fine, I promise, no major injuries) As a final blow to Apollo and Klavier's friendship, and to get Apollo back under his control, Kristoph grabs a knife and approaches Apollo, calling him "Herr Forehead".

Apollo was unsure of how to feel about the trial. At first, he was sure he did the right thing by agreeing to take on Machi's case. He was also sure that he would have been punished for doing so. But he wasn't. At least not in the way that he thought he would. Kristoph decided that Apollo wasn't ready for his "own trial" and put himself on a co-council.

That idea alone set Apollo on edge. The idea that Mr. Gavin would be standing next to him the entire trial, looking over his shoulder the entire time, looking for the smallest of 'mistakes', filled him with a lot of anxiety. It almost made Apollo want to at least try to fight his decision or do something so it wouldn't happen. But what Mr. Gavin said went, no matter what.

They were currently standing in the defendant's lobby, trying to talk with Machi. Neither of them were getting anywhere- though Apollo knew that was because Machi didn't know a lot of English. It was one the times Apollo opted to stay quiet, not wanting to point this fact out to Mr. Gavin.

"Psst, Polly!" Apollo looked around at the whisper/yell of his name. To his horror, he saw Trucy peeking out from the door. Apollo didn't want his boss to see that this girl was sneaking around. Well, he specifically didn't want Mr. Gavin to see Trucy.

"Trucy, go back!" He whisper/yelled back. The young magician just beckoned at him before running off. Apollo knew that she wanted him to follow and that if he didn't, she'd be back. So he told Mr. Gavin that he needed to use the restroom before running off to find Trucy.

Luckily, she was standing by the courtroom, bouncing on her heels as she waited. Trucy grinned as she saw the red-clad defense lawyer. Apollo was nearly knocked onto his butt by the tackle hug that followed.

"Oof! Trucy!" The girl hugging him merely giggled before letting go.

"Sorry Polly! I was just really happy to see you!" Apollo only sighed in response.

"It's fine," he said, "What do you want?" Trucy suddenly looked a bit uneasy.

"I just wanted to check on you..." The bracelet on his arm tighten slightly and Apollo instantly knew that wasn't the full truth. Trucy must have noticed the look he was giving her and did her signature pose. "Aw, I can't get much by you. But I did want to check on you Polly." His bracelet loosened, meaning she was telling the truth.

"Look, just stay away for today," Apollo begged. "Please." Trucy opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a gentle shout from behind him.

"Justice, it is time." Apollo immediately straighten up, throwing an apologetic smile over his shoulder.

"R-right! Be right over there sir!" He turned back to Trucy with a pleading expression. "Please just go home Truce." Without waiting to see if she actually did what he asked, Apollo followed Mr. Gavin into the courtroom.


The trial itself went well for how much of an anxious wreck Apollo was. He was worried about how Mr. Gavin would take to seeing his methods, but the older man was silent throughout the entire trial. It unnerved Apollo to no end and made him wonder if this was actually the punishment or something else.

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