Chapter 12: Intermission

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The clinking of glasses was barely heard over the chatter of the restaurant. Two people were hidden behind a maroon colored cloth, one in a beanie looking like a hobo while the other was a blond looking like he actually belonged in the fancy setting. The beanie man was drinking grape juice straight from the bottle and his companion was using a crystal wine glass. Neither said anything verbally as they drank but anyone seeing either would see the glares they both threw at each other.

"So, I hear you've recruited my own protegé," Kristoph stated. Phoenix took a sip before answering.

"Safe to say Apollo was never your protegé," he retorted. The blond scoffed.

"The boy has a hidden talent," Kristoph responded, "Why wouldn't I want to train him? Isn't that why you've taken an interest in him?" Phoenix scowled, taking another swig from the bottle as he thought about why the fuck he had even shown up.

The ex-defense attorney had been watching the trial from the camera feed with the other jurors. He was supposed to make sure it went over well, he had to make sure that the others were taking it seriously. Then Vera was called to the stand and shortly collapsed after admitting that she was the real forger.

Atroquinine poisoning. That was the cost of knowing who ordered that fake page diary seven years ago.

The trial had been extended another day which was no surprise. Who wants to hold a trial for someone who was dying? But they still needed a verdict for Vera, whether or not she actually survived.

"I took an interest in him because he's a good kid," Phoenix answered. "No one deserves what he's going through."

Kristoph raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what do you believe he is going through?" Phoenix resisted the urge to smack the upside of the blond's head with the bottle in his hand. What he did do was slam the bottle into the table, enough to make the man across from him jump.

"You know exactly what he is going through, you're the cause of it," he snarled. Phoenix could feel the rage building in him and he fought not to scream or shout. This was not the way to go about this, Kristoph would only try to dig his claws into the attorney deeper until his heart was torn in two. He already broke Apollo's arm and carved into his back when the brunet tried to get help.

"All I am doing is trying to guide him away from you," Kristoph spoke as he sipped from his glass. "If he ever wants to be a good defense attorney, he has to learn to not trust Prosecutors. Especially when they are so blatantly using him."

"Prosecutors are people, just like us. They want to seek the truth too, even if it means losing a trial," Phoenix snarked, thinking back to the trials that Edgeworth had thrown just to make sure that the guilty party was caught.

"Did you forget, old friend?" Kristoph smiled. "We're in the Dark Age of Law. All prosecutors want is a guilty verdict, even if it means they break the law to do so."

"Funny," Phoenix said, taking a swig of his juice, "I know a defense attorney exactly like that." Kristoph's face twitched in rage and Phoenix silently cheered at the fact that he had caused 'The Coolest Defense in the West' to lose some of that cool.

"Now now, Wright. You know I had nothing to do with that forgery. After all, you were the one who used the page."

Phoenix wanted to hit him. He wanted him to feel every single ounce of pain he had felt during those 7 years, during the last few months. He wanted to make sure that Kristoph wouldn't hurt anyone again- Apollo, Trucy, or anyone he planned on hurting. Instead, Phoenix dug his nails into his palm to stop him from doing so. They were out in public. He couldn't do anything without being caught.

Kristoph smirked. "What's wrong? You look pained."

"Just a slight headache every time I look at you," Phoenix snapped back.

"Are you sure it's not your stomach?" The question confused the pianist. Why would this monster care about Phoenix's stomach hurting?

A feeling of dread settled in his stomach. He flashed back to how Vera had collapsed in court. He remembered how Drew was killed. He remembered the fact that Daryan was caught smuggling cocoons that could make a powerful poison. Kristoph's smirk seemed to solidify the straws Phoenix was grasping at and he needed to get out of there, he needed to call Miles and Trucy.

Without so much as a word to the blond, Phoenix rushed out of the restaurant. It felt too stuffy, like it was closing in on him. He had to get to Miles, to Trucy, his family, before he collapsed like Vera. He fumbled with his phone, trying to see through the tears (or was it from the poison?). He finally found Miles's number and called him.

"Phoenix? What's wrong?" The silver haired man sounded like he had just woken up from sleep. Phoenix tried to say something, tell him what happened, but instead he threw up all over the sidewalk. People gave him weird glances, probably thinking he was a drunk. He didn't care though, he needed to talk to Miles before he fell asleep. He had to make sure Trucy knew that he loved her. He had to make sure that Apollo would know he was in good hands. He had to tell Miles how he felt one more time.

"Phoenix, where are you?" Miles's voice sounded so panicked, so far away. Phoenix was vaguely aware that he had started swaying. "Phoenix?? Phoenix say something!"

But he couldn't. He fell to the ground, phone clattering to the street. He tried to get up, to get his phone, only to throw up violently when he did so. Phoenix could hear people start to ask him if he's okay, if he could get up. But he didn't answer, he just kept reaching for his phone. Someone grabbed it and Phoenix could hear Miles's voice on the other side through the pounding in his head.

Black spots were threatening to take over his vision. His eyelids felt so heavy, almost as much as his limbs. It hurt all over, like someone had set his body on fire. He tried to speak, to get the words out, but his tongue was like lead and refused to do what his brain told it to.

Phoenix last thoughts, surrounded in vomit tinged a bright blue, were I love you too Miles.

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