Chapter 5: Truth

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Trucy walked down a familiar sidewalk in a familiar neighborhood. She was determined to do this, no matter the punishment.

Not long after she had gone to "bed", Trucy heard Uncle Miles talking to Daddy in the living room. She knew that then was the best time she'd have to find the answers she wanted. Without so much as a whisper, Trucy crept through the hallway towards the front door. Hushed voices traveled from the living room but the girl paid no attention to them. All they did was serve as an early warning system for if they caught wind of her plan.

The magician got outside with no issue and immediately set off towards the Wright Talent Agency. Trucy was still technically the CEO of the agency so she had a master key to the building. As she walked into the dark building, a wave of nostalgia hit her. Any other day she would have loved to take a trip down memory lane, but today she had a mission.

Trucy began looking through the file cabinets, hoping that she could find the papers before her disappearance was discovered. She was looking for case files that were dated at least seven years ago. She wanted to find out what she could about Kristoph Gavin.

The man had always made her feel uncomfortable whenever she saw him. Daddy had also made it a point to keep her away from the man as much as he could. She was always suspicious of the blond's intentions. The way her daddy acted made it seem like he would take her- or Daddy- away at any time.

What had happened that night cemented her suspicion that Kristoph wasn't a good person. She had walked into Klavier's dressing room, wanting to make sure they were both fine, but froze when crying could be heard. Trucy immediately ran to Apollo and wrapped her arms around him the best she could. The small man was bawling, sobbing loudly while Klavier was holding him. What made her freeze was the obvious scar on Apollo's back. Trucy couldn't see it, but she could feel what it was in the shape of.

That alone made her feel sick.

So here she was, in an empty agency, looking for something that her daddy had probably hidden too well for her to find. But Trucy was determined to find out the truth, determined to help someone she was starting to think of as her brother.

When she couldn't find anything in the filing cabinets, Trucy moved to the large desk in the back. Normally she wouldn't consider going through the desk because Daddy had kept her performing knives there and told her only he could get them out. Trucy was getting desperate to find the proof she wanted and ignored the nagging thought telling her, "no".

However, the teenager regretted it almost as soon as she opened the first drawer. Sitting on top was a large envelope, labeled with the words "Open in case of death". Trucy's blood ran cold and she lifted it with shaking hands. Her mind raced with possibilities of why this was here, of who left it in Daddy's desk. But she couldn't think of anything that would explain why the words were in his handwriting.

Blinking away tears, Trucy opened up the letter and pulled out the papers. Blurry eyes scanned the writing, hoping that it wasn't what she thought it was.

"Will and Testament of Phoenix Wright

In the case of my death or disappearance, I hereby give all parental rights of Trucy Wright to my husband Miles Edgeworth. All of my possessions shall be given over to him to do with as he sees fit. The Wright Talent Agency is to go into Trucy Wright's possession when she turns 18."

There was more, but Trucy could no longer read through the tears rolling down her cheeks. This had to be some sort of joke, there was no way this was real, there was no way this was true. The signature of Uncle Miles on the Witness line said differently though.

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