the return to home

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kyu ex finish pack his stuff

dr saekino:soo you leaving

kyu ex:i have to i spen too much time outside  my family will suspect

dr arcknight:but you gonnad visit us right?

kyu ex:sure i will arck

they give an hug as kyu leave the place


kyu arrive to the house as the family see her

jason:kyu you came back!

kyu ex:yeah sorry fot take so long

kyu lied to then say she was goin an trip

jenny:is nice to see you sis


kyu ex:thanks

vert:wanna me make the food?

kyu ex:i gonnad take an nap soo i see you later

she goes to her room as she close the door

kyu ex:good thing i supress my power only jenny servant will notice my power increase i keep this for my seft

kyu fell to the bed and fell sleep

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