the awakening,the new look,and the result of the project limit break

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the dr's came and they look an the tube only to be see cover an dark energy

dr saekino:what the?

dr arcknight:is alter energy she will turn into alter form

they as the energy dissapear and kyu open her eyes

they as the energy dissapear and kyu open her eyes

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dr arcknight:looks like she can change it at will

dr saekino:all right is done deactive the sedant

dr arcknight press the button as they look kyu and she react and she look at then

dr saekino:kyu did you hear us?

she nod

dr saekino:soo did you feel stable

kyu look herseft and then nod

dr arcknight:perfect is good the project was complete

dr saekino:deactive the tube liquid and open it

dr archnight nod and press the buttons as the liquid was dran the tube open as kyu walk out

kyu:....*grab and twist her hair to remove the liquid*

dr arcknight:good to have you good

kyu:project result

dr saekino:stage 1,2,3,4 and final are complete wtihout complications and you have the second heroic spiriti after Jenny Servant and have alter form

kyu:side effects?

dr arcknight:glow mark on right side and alter form active

she look to her right to see the glow mark

she look to her right to see the glow mark

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kyu:..i see

dr arcknight:try to focus back to normal state

she did that as they look supise since she change as the mark dissapear

dr saekino:wow you look like an female version of vergil with that look

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dr saekino:wow you look like an female version of vergil with that look

Dr arcknight:yeah if he was here I bet is gonnad ask if you have his twin


Dr arcknight:sorry for that

Kyu:I need to change is it ready

Dr arcknight:yep

The Dr leave and bring back with somekind of suit

Dr arcknight:the battle suit you requested

Kyu grab and put it on

Kyu grab and put it on

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Kyu:it have anything?

Dr saekino:yes data extration, make the harder materials we even use magic to make imposible to break,regeneration of the armor and use, battle data link to you thanks to the stage 2,and is link to you body enhance even more you abilities,


Dr arcknight:yeah we did it

Kyu:thank you.. You are the only ones who can this happen

Dr saekino:no problem soo this was an success

Kyu:yes... We can start with the test field

Dr saekino;of course kyu

Kyu:olso..... Call me.... Kyu ex.. As I excel my human limitations and surrender my humanity

Conclusión of the project limit break


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