Time skip (1 year)

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"Hey Namjoon baby. May I talk to you"? Seokjin asks. "Of course Seokjin darling". Namjoon says.

Seokjin and Namjoon have always had a very cute little habit of calling each other "baby" and "darling".

Seokjin takes a breath. It's going to be so hard for him to explain his past to Namjoon, but he has to get this off of his chest.

"Baby, I don't want you to think bad of me, but the reason I had shackles when you found me, I'm psychopathic". He says.

Not only that, I'm a serial killer". Seokjin adds. Namjoon is silent. Seokjin bit his lip. He feels like he's crossed a line.

"Darling, why didn't you tell me before"? Namjoon asks, taking Seokjin into his arms. "I was afraid you might kick me out".

Seokjin says, laying his head on Namjoon's chest. "Darling, I would never kick you out. No matter what". Namjoon says.

"If you come back after your kills covered in blood, I won't question it. I'll just take care of you faithfully.

As for the psychopathic behavior, that will take therapy. But I promise, no matter what, I will never kick you out". Namjoon says.

He pushes a kiss to Seokjin's lips to seal his promise. Seokjin smiles. He lays his head on Namjoon's chest.

He fingers at a pocket knife in his pocket. He pulls it out and pushes it to Namjoon's neck. "Darling"? Namjoon asks. His eyes widen.

"I'm sorry". Seokjin mouths before slashing Namjoon's neck. He watches Namjoon fall on the ground.

He drops the pocket knife. His hands shake. He's in shock. They're covered in Namjoon's blood.

Seokjin falls to his knees at Namjoon's side.
"Darling, why"? Namjoon chokes out. Seokjin cries.

"You were, you were my assignment". Seokjin says. He cries again. He takes Namjoon's hand. "I'm so sorry baby". Seokjin says again.

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