Arthur Morgan: Old Friends

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Summary: After leaving his home, a young Arthur finds you after your parents are killed. Only a few years younger than him, he brings you along. Then you get separated in a coach robbery.

1876                                                                                                                                                                                           "Arthur give it back!" you yelled as you reached for the small plush. Arthur laughed as he shook the toy, "You can reach it, just try harder" he laughed. You huffed and tried to grab the plush once more only for it to be pulled higher. You glared at the boy and he laughed again, with one punch to his side the toy hit the ground and Arthur groaned. You smiled and picked up the toy, "Thank you" you said with a small a laugh. 

Arthur Morgan was orphaned at age 11 when he watched his father being killed. After that he turned to the life of an outlaw to get by. Originally he was alone and got by fine, however after a year on his own he found you. 

You were born into a wealthy family. Your father owned a handful of stores across the state. When you were 10 years old your family was traveling from one of your father's stores to the other. It was a warm spring day and the sun was high in the sky when your coach stopped suddenly. There was yelling and then two shots rang out. Your mother hid you as best as she could and you watched as your parents were drug out of the cab. The men revenged the coach for anything of value, just barely missing you. Then there were two more shots and the sounds of horses faded out. 

Arthur found you when he came across the scene, you were scared and crying. He had every reason to leave you there, yet he didn't. So you went with the boy, he made you feel safe and you both grew close. 

1877                                                                                                                                                                                           It was late, the two of you sat on a small hill just waiting. "Are you sure it's supposed to come through here Arthur?" you asked. "Yes, now just wait" he responded. He had heard something about a coach coming through near your camp. It sounded like an easy hit and no one would need to get hurt. 

You nodded and sighed, it was exciting to do the robbing. Just not the waiting. Arthur looked over at you before returning his attention to the path. He was getting better at this. 

After a few more minuets of waiting there was a light that started to appear. You jumped up and pointed it out, Arthur shushed you and pulled you back down. "We have to wait until their a little closer, and we don't want them to see us yet" he stated firmly.  You rolled you eyes and huffed. 

When the wagon got close enough, Arthur crept toward the edge of the path with you following behind. Then you ran out into the path just like planned. You cried and called for help as you stood in the road. The wagon stopped and the driver climbed down to check on you while Arthur got started on taking any valuables. The driver tried to console you and understand what you were saying, but you only mumbled bits and pieces of a fake story. 

Then there was yelling. The driver turned around and another man climbed out of the cab of the wagon, his gun pointed at Arthur. Your eyes widened at the sight, you had to help him. 

You took the opportunity of the distraction and kicked the back of the first man's knee. He fell and you ran toward Arthur. You ran full speed into the other man hoping to knock him down as well. He only stumbled slightly before turning the gun to you. 

There's a moment in a child's life where you imagine yourself bigger and stronger than you actually are, and in this moment that was you. The driver had gotten up and it was clear you and Arthur were in trouble. When they grabbed you, you tried to fight as if you weren't some homely 11 year old girl. Arthur stood at gun point again as they pulled you back. "Run Arthur" you yelled. He looked at you and you told him to run again. "I'll find you" you yelled and as the man with the gun went to grab him he ran. 

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