Javier Escuella: With You

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Summary: After meeting in the Valentine Saloon, a romance begins between you, a common girl from a well-off family, and Javier, a wanted outlaw.


You sighed and stretched out as you climbed off your horse. You straightened out your dress and hitched your horse in front of the general store. Of course, that wasn't where you were heading. You hadn't had a free day in weeks, so of course you'd jump at the chance to have a drink or two. 

The sound of the piano playing and the chatter of other patrons hanging about was a welcoming sound as you walked into the saloon. You smiled at the bartender and ordered a beer before moving to sit at one of the far tables. 

The visit had started out peaceful, then three men walked in. One was a larger man, he had a beard and a look like he was only there to find trouble. In the back was a muscular Indian, he scanned the room and moved away from the first man rather quickly. I tried to ignore the three, but I was drawn to the second man. He wasn't as muscular as the last, but something about him intrigued me. He was a Hispanic man with a bowler hat, a colorful poncho hanging over his shoulders. 

You took a sip from your bottle and watched as the first man broke away and the other two stood by the bar. Again, your attempts to advert your attention else where failed. You looked back over to the man and took another drink. He looked over at you and smiled as he tipped his hat. You felt your cheeks heat up as you looked away from them.

"Is this seat taken?" a smooth voice asked. You looked up and there stood the second man a smirk on his face. "Huh, oh uh no- no, it's not" you stuttered. He gave a small laugh and sat down beside you. "You know, a lady like yourself shouldn't be drinking alone." he said as he tipped his own bottle toward you. You shrugged, "It was going pretty well before." 

The man smiled, "What is your name hermosa?" he asked. You looked at him admiring the his face  much better now. "Y/N, Y/N L/N" you answered. 


"Javier!" you laughed as the man spun you around before setting you on your feet beside Boaz. He laughed and gently kissed your head. The two of you walked down the shoreline smiling and laughing.

"Y/N" Javier spoke softly. "Yes?" you asked as you stopped to look at him. He smiled at you and cupped your cheek, "When will I see you again" he asked. You smiled sadly at him, "I'm not sure love." He sighed and let his hand fall from your face. 

You had been sneaking out to see Javier on your trips into town pretty often. Lately your father had been holding you at home more often, he had become suspicious of your regular trips into Valentine.  With the restrictions on your visits becoming stricter there was never a way to tell when you'd see Javier next. 

"Javier" you spoke softly as he turned away from you. You grabbed his wrist and he turned back around. "I'll try to get out again soon" you said with a smile. He rolled his eyes and smiled at you before pulling you close and kissing you deeply. 


It was late and you were getting ready for bed. You slipped on your soft pink night gown and crawled into your bed. As you blew out the candle beside your bed you closed your eyes and sighed. 

As you relaxed under your sheets you heard a sound at your window. Then another. By the fourth you were sneaking out of bed. You carefully peaked out of the window and saw a dark figure standing below. You opened the window and looked down at the figure, "Mi Amor" Javier called quietly. "Javier, what are you doing" you answered. "Come down to me princesa." 

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