Lenny Summers: Moonlight

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Summary: You find a peaceful moment with Lenny after you couldn't sleep. There he talks to you about his time in Strawberry and how if affected him. It opened his eyes to more than just the fact that he could die any day. 

The camp was calming down earlier than normal tonight. Most the members retiring to their tents, a few still lingering at the fire. You said your goodbyes to the men at the fire before going to the girl's tent. You crawled in beside Tilly and softly sighed as you pulled a sheet over yourself. 

You didn't know how long you laid there. All the attempts to fall asleep didn't work. So before you woke the other two girls beside you with tossing and turning you got up.

The camp was almost silent except for the light crackling of the dying fire.  You were walking towards the fire, but noticed someone sitting near the cliff. "Hello" you spoke softly as you got closer to the man. He turned around, "Hey Y/N" Lenny replied "Can't sleep?" 

You sat beside him and shrugged, "not really. I was waiting for Tilly to hit me as much as I was movin" you answered. Lenny nodded and looked up at the stars. 

You looked at the boy beside you and admired his features in the soft glow of the moon. It wasn't much of a secret among the girls how you felt about Lenny. They picked on you daily, tried to get you to talk to him, and almost outright and told him themselves. He was handsome, but not just that. 

Lenny was kind, sweet. He once brought flowers for Jenny before we had to flee Blackwater. He was capable, but human. Your heart fluttered every time he smiled at you, you would get flustered any time he complemented you. Yet here beside him, despite the beating of your heart in your ears, it was calm. 

"What are you lookin at Y/N" Lenny asked looking at you "I got something on my face?" He takes his shirt and wipes his face off and you give a light laugh. "N-No, I'm sorry." you answered as you looked away. "Are you okay? Your cheeks look a bit red" he said and gently touched your forehead. "I-I'm fine Lenny, thank you" you said moving away from his hand. 

He looked away from you, a blush slowly growing on his own face. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just watching the stars.

"Y/N" Lenny spoke, his voice quiet. "Yes?" You answered. He looked over at you and sighed, "When I was in Strawberry, they nearly lynched me" he said, "It wasn't the first time I'd almost been killed, but something about it has stuck with me." 

You gently touched the outlaw's shoulder, "In this life, things are inevitable. Being shot at, runnin, almost dying." you said. Your eyes met his and you could see the pain in his expression. "It just brought me to the realization that everyone get eventually I guess. I'm not going to live forever..." he whispered the last words and looked away from you. 

"That's why we make the most of what we have now. There'll be more days and nights, but it'll be with people who care about you and you care about" you said looking at him. 

Lenny leaned back and looked up at the night sky. He wiped his face with his hands and sighed. "It messed me up... That stuff in Strawberry. Micah, he- he just killed that man without hesitation. Then the law were everywhere, and Micah tried to fight em. That's how I got away. They shot at me and Maggie as we ran from town, and I could still hear Micah yellin." 

"Micah is an idiot" you stated. That earned an airy laugh from Lenny who then looked at you. "That wasn't the only thing that I realized though" he said, his voice quieter now. 

"While they were talkin about how they were going to kill me, the only thing I could think about was how I wasn't going to see you again..." he gently cupped your face and gave you a soft smile. "When I got away, I was still thinkin that I wouldn't. It was lucky that I got out, they wouldn't let it go so easily. An on my way here, I realized why it hurt me so much to think of them telling you that I died. Y/N... I really care for you, and not like the rest of the gang. Like I've fallen for you." 

You sat there, tears threatening to spill over. "Lenny" you whispered. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have put that on you" he said releasing your face. "N-no, don't be. I feel the same way." you said placing your hand over his. 

Lenny looked back at you and smiled, he caressed your cheek and placed his forehead against yours. 

The two of you spent most of the night talking at the cliff. Then he walked you back over to the girls tent and gently kissed your head before heading off to his own tent. 

You smiled and replayed the events in your mind, the way he touched your face, his expression, the soft blush on his cheeks. Your heart fluttered at your memories and you smiled, he felt the same.  


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