Dutch Van der Linde: Too Late

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Summary: You've reached the end of your ropes with Dutch. He's ignored you and pushed you away long enough

Note: This is also the start of a JavierxReader story too, so there will be a second part.

You sighed and leaned forward to rest your head on your hands. The fire was warm compared to the cool muggy air that swirled around you. The shadow of the large dilapidated house loomed over you. The mystery events that awaited you tonight in your shared room weighed heavily on your shoulders. 

You were used to the stress that Dutch dealt with. He'd push you away for a bit, sometimes ignore you completely, but things always got better. You knew he was under a lot of pressure with the gang. It was getting worse now since they started dealing with Angelo Bronte. Micah stuck to his side most days, Hosea was worried about what he was up to but Dutch always laughed if he brought up his concerns. 

Tonight was no different. You didn't know what awaited you in Shady Belle, either he'd ignore you, or you'd argue, or he'd want to shower you in affection. The last option hadn't seen the light of sun in a while. In fact, it had mostly been arguments. You were tired of fighting him, tired of trying to reach the man you originally fell in love with.

"Mind if I join you?" Javier asked as he walked by you. "Hm, Oh- Yes of course" you said breaking away from your thoughts. He smiled at you as he sat on the log to your right. "How are you doing" he asked. You gave an airy laugh and kept your eyes on the blaze in front of you, "Amazing Javier, never been better" you answered sarcastically. "It's been a tough few weeks, it'll get better soon" he said, trying to reassure you. 

"It's not the past few weeks" you said quietly. You looked at him with a sad smile, he looked back up to the house. Dutch's figure paced in the window, "It must not be easy" he said as he returned his attention to you. "It wasn't always this bad. Not even when we were running from Blackwater. Micah's at his side every minuet, whisperin whatever it is into his ear" You said, "I can't tell you the last time he said anything to me that wasn't laced with venom."

There was a silence and you shook your head, "Maybe let's not talk about that" you said with a small laugh. 


Dutch rose from the bed and ran his hands through his hair. There were better things to waste his time on instead of pacing in this dusty room. He grabbed the latest Evelyn Miller book off the night stand, and as he crossed the room again something caught his eye. 

Looking out only irritated him. There you were, bottle in hand, laughing. That wasn't the problem, it was that you were drinking with Javier. His hand finding your shoulder to steady you, then you both laughed more. 

Why? What could be that funny that you'd let someone else, another man, touch you. Then you're laughing about it. 


God knows what time it was, late for sure. You stumbled up the stairs trying to move as quietly as possible. As you stumbled and grabbed onto the rail for support you covered your mouth trying to hide the giggles. You had almost drank the night away at the fire. As you made it up the stairs you patted your skirt off and stifled another giggle. After tonight you felt like you could listen to Javier talk for years and never get bored. A blush rose to your cheeks, "How awful of me to think that" you whispered to yourself with another giggle. 

As you entered the room, you were surprised to see Dutch still awake. He sat on the bed, book in hand. The dim light danced across the walls. "Good morning" you slurred quietly with a giggle. Dutch looked up at you with a frown. "Where have you been" he asked as he stood from the bed. His voice was low, quiet. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora