" Ro we are not going to the
other side of the world "

" Whatever "

" Stop using my lines "

" Stop messing with my mind " ,
he mumbles.

" There! You did it again!" I yell

I wave my hand and he waves back .

He looks at Marvin ,
who's already looking at both of us .

I kinda expected him to give him
'the talk' but he doesn't.

" Let's go " I say

" Let's go!" Marv repeats and starts the engine .

I don't know what to say to him ?
I mean it's such a sweet gesture that someone makes efforts for you.

' Thank you? ' my inner voice says

"Thank you"

" My pleasure" he says

" By the way , is there a airport nearby or is my heart actually taking off " he says , while staring at me .

" um that's where you picked me up from" I say , pretending dumb and then look out of the window .

After a while , I extend my arm to play music and he does the same ,
our fingers collide and then we just look at each other.

" Look straight " I remind him and he obeys .

"So how were your holidays?"

"Quite good and yours?"

"Same . I returned back yesterday morning "

"Yaa , so why did you come and pick me up?"

"Truth or lie?"

"Obviously truth"

"Then let's just say I'm trying my chances"

"Marvin" I sigh

"Don't Marvin me . I know I'm cute so if not love , infatuation may definitely happen " he winks at me

I just send a forced smile in his way .

If only others knew for me being in a relationship means so damn much !
Even if I like you ,
I still won't be ready for that commitment , reason being the base of a relationship is love and till I'm not sure about my feelings ,
I'm gonna wait for the right time and the right person .

To go on a date would be fine , I suppose . I mean it's just a hang out between two people who like each other .

But still I haven't dated anyone so far . And Marvin's intentions are indicating that some or the other day , he may ask me .

I don't even know what he saw in me in the first place ?!

For the first time ever ,
my crush is actually giving me some attention and even though it feels good ,
I'm not able to ignore the feeling that if something happens between us ,
it's gonna be too soon and I don't know , it just doesn't feel right or maybe I'm just overthinking..

FAITHFUL BOND ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora