Chapter Forty Nine

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Elizabeth's POV - Unedited

The platform this year was overly crowded and the aniexty inside me wasn't helping. With everything that has been happening, I haven't really stopped to think what could happen next. Just enjoying life a day at a time is kind of what I've been doing.

Nervously I stood on the platform waiting for the twins as I was stupidly separated by the crowd. What I saw next though made me seize to even take another breath. My brother stood proudly his hair longer, and a faint smile upon his face. He even looked like he had built up more muscle, and looked as if he was at the prime of his life. Next to him were my two other friends from our old time laughing along with him. His eyes caught mine as he looked down in my direction. I tried avoiding eye contact, but I just knew I was too late to achieve anything like that. I could sense without even looking at him that he came walking my way.

His presence stood in front of me and I tried not looking at him, but his hands caught my face pulling me out of my thoughts to actually take notice in him. As my eyes met his, all sense of time seemed to fade. I still loved my brother and always will, but whenever I look at him now, all I can see its the one person who went behind my back. I tried my best to look away but his grip was strong.

"Please.. please look at me Lillian" the name felt like a sharp pain, the one thing connecting me directly to my old life.

"My name isn't Lillian" Venom filled my voice as I looked furiously up at him. Ripping his hand from my face, I looked between him and the other two. "My names Elizabeth" I fixed my shirt as it had came up from the scene that both of us caused.

"So.. so your don't even wan't your name anymore... I gu...I guess I can understand.. next thing I know your married and grownup without me not wanting me to be there at all" my bother looked down from me with a saddened face.

"Please don't look like that... your still my brother, I just... I just can't see your face yet. You don't understand how hard it is to handle what happened to me, I'm just figuring out what I deserve and you of all people should understand that" my face stood solemnly as I looked at my brother in the eyes. His met mine and we stared contently at each other.

"I...I understand" my hand reached for his only brushing slightly against his.

"This isn't the end of what we have baby bro" I winked as he giggled a little at my comment. "And it also the end of family... I may or may not have discovered our really family" his face contorted in conferment as I said those words. However, I knew eventually I'd tell him the truth. I turned walking away from the scene between my brother and I skipping onto the train.

Without even noticing my baby Midnight snuggled contently against my chest as she laid in the loose pocket i made for her in my jacket. I opened it up looking at her cuteness, she wasn't like any normal cat... she for one would stay small for the rest of her life. I shook my head at her closing my jacket back up.

Walking along the corridor of the train, looking in at all the compartments I finally came across the twins and Lee laughing at each other. Sliding opening the door they all looked up with joyous faces.

"Ohh hey Liza... I've missed you. You won't believe what my family and I did over the summer" Lee jumped up and down excited as I sat down next to him.

"Let me guess an epic adventurous vacation" I said as I pulled midnight from the pouch she was sleeping in .

"Yes and yes.. but add snow and plenty of it" I giggled shaking my head at Lee.

"Well I hope you had a good time because this year will be one as well" Lee snorted as he sat back down.

"Ahh wait to break the mood Liza, I do not want be thinking about all the dang homework this year... especially N.E.W.T.S exams" I looked over to see Lee cross his arms in anger.

"Ohh come on Lee before you know it we'll all be out of this place and on to more adventurous things.. as for me I'm starting this year and interning with Madam Pomfry to become a Healer" I Looked up at the twins who had this entire time been listening contently at the two of us.

"You know what's funny Liza how you can tune everyone out and talk with one without including the best talkers" I raised an eyebrow at how offended the two looked.

"Ohh stop pouting you too... you know I love you both equally" George's mouth popped open as it he looked offended which was kind of my intention.

"How could you Liza... I'm wounded by your words" George dramatically clutched his chest falling into his seat. I looked up at Lee as he laughed at the boy and rolled my eyes.

"I.. I can't believe I'm friend's with the three of you" I said looking down at Midnight as I patted her. They all exploded in laughter as they rolled around the apartment.

"You love us admit it" I shook my head continuing to not look at them.

"What was that.... Oh Midnight did your stomach growl" I could sense George slip in next to me as I ignored the three of them. His hands gripped my waist lightly trying to get my attention, but I was persistent in my games as I didn't look up at him.

"Come on Liza... Don't ignore me" His fingers brush against my waist and I flinched by the sudden contact. "Come on... you can't keep this up forever" and like that I broke as he tried tickling me into submission.

"N...No stop it George... Okay, okay I promise I won't ignore you" I looked up with a forced smile as I was recovering from the air being tickled out of me.

"Good... now for the four of us to discuss refinement on our products" I smiled looking at the three of them getting into deep conversation about their joke shop. I for one wasn't the best at coming up with ideas, but I sure as hell could help them with anything technical or if they needed a creative hand I was more likely to create the products packaging and basically there entire look. I think by now they trust me, and I for one trust them.

 I think by now they trust me, and I for one trust them

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The Time Turning Curse - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now