The universe doesn't allow perfection (yet here you are): part 5

Start from the beginning

'Oh god, Sam,' the L-Corp CEO gasped worriedly.

'We're fine,' Sam reassured quickly. 'One of the agents shielded us from falling debris with a magnetic shield of some sort. It was amazing, and kind of hot. Once the alien was captured, Ruby wanted to go say thank you to the woman who saved our lives so we went over and struck up a conversation. Turns out her name is Alex Danvers-'

'Oh God,' Lena muttered, having an idea where the story was going.

'Oh yes,' Sam exclaimed excitedly. 'I recognised the family name from that article CatCo published about you because you know how I love to keep tabs on you.'

'You sound like my mother,' the Luthor accused, knowing fully well the brunette was nothing like Lillian.

'I've achieved my life goal then,' Sam countered playfully. 'Anyway, I asked if she had any ties with Kara Danvers and guess what, they're sisters. It took me a while to convince her that I'm actually your friend, and when I do, I ask her if she's met you and she says, I quote, 'oh yeah, I see her every Thursday on game night'. Imagine my surprise when she invites me to your game nights so the others can meet Lena's friend and I can meet my best friend's girlfriend.'

'What did you say?' Lena asked impatiently.

'Alex was nice enough to invite Ruby as well so you're going to see us tomorrow evening, Miss Luthor.' The shit-eating grin on the brunette's face was audible through the phone.

'You're calling to give me a chance to fall ill and cancel tomorrow,' the CEO deduced jokingly.

'Nice try, Luthor, but you know I will drag you to game night even if you're lying on your deathbed,' Sam warned playfully. 'For real though, if it makes you uncomfortable, I can call Alex and say we can't make it. Although I have to admit it bruised my ego that you didn't tell me about your love escapades, being your best friend and all.'

'Of course I want you to come. To be honest, I'm nervous but also really excited for you to meet Kara,' Lena confessed through the phone, the blush on her cheek invisible to the other woman. 'She's sweet, and funny, and beautiful, and I really, really like her.'

Sam laughed at her friend's obvious infatuation. 'Alright, Romeo. Sounds serious, do you know if she feels the same way?'

'We haven't talked about it, but I think she does.' There was a pause before Lena spoke again. 'I was going to tell you, Sam. I just wanted to be sure this was real before I did, but I'm glad you know. I'm genuinely happy and I want you and Ruby to be a part of it.'

'I'm happy for you, Lena. Kara sounds like a catch and I can't wait to meet the woman who's making my best friend swoon,' the single mother replied honestly. 'And I get it, don't worry. Besides, remember how long it took you to tell me about Jack? You could've gotten married to the guy by the time I found out,' she joked lightheartedly.

'He was a nice guy,' the Luthor reflected, 'but I'm glad we ended things.' A knock on her office door brought her back to reality and her assistant popped her head in before she gestured a five with her hand. Lena nodded and returned to the call. 'Shit, I'm sorry, Sam. I have a board meeting in 5 minutes so I'm going to have to hang up.'

'Don't worry about it, madam CEO,' Sam teased. 'It was fun catching up, now go kick some butt and Ruby and I will see you tomorrow.'

* * *

'The games are on the table, the snack pantry is full, the beer, water and soda are in the fridge along with the healthier snacks, and the wine is on the counter,' Kara Danvers checked as her eyes darted around her apartment to make sure everything was in place. 'The only thing missing are the guests,' she said excitedly before her gaze landed on the contemplative figure of her girlfriend on the couch. 'Babe?'

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