<Chapter 4>

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Hyunjin walked down the street and suddenly slowed. 

He lifted his hand, why did I do that?  he thought clenching his fist.

 He then removed his tie and dangled it over his shoulder. And continued his brisk walk home. 

He recalled the past couple weeks, and jeongins face came to mind. He tried to ignore it, but it keeped coming back. Damn I can't get him out of my head...  

Hyunjin stoped walking. I seriously can't stop thinking about him...  

He rolled his head around shaking his thoughts off, and a black limo passed him. 

Hyunjin looked at it and it seemed like it was looking back, but it quickly passed. Huh...  

 Jisung walked out of the school and looked around. Normally Jeongin waits for him, but he was no where to be seen. Jisung pulled out his phone, but he was left to hear the ringing. 

He must have left without me. 

Jisung walked towards the left of the school and he saw a recognizable figure loitering around. 

"Ah," he gasped, "Lee Minho?" 

Minho looked over. 


"Ah um.." Jisung stumbled over. " Uh I'm jisung... I was the one who ran into you the other day..." 

"Ah you.."  Minho said lowering his hood and jisung stepped away, "don't worry I'm not upset... Just tired."

Jisung dug into his pocket and pulled out the other boys I.D. 

Minhos eyes widened, "I've been looking for this for days!" 

"And I've been looking for you for days," 

Minho raised and eyebrow, "I'm always around," 

"Yet so hard to find," jisung took a step forward. 

"Ha I guess?" Minho laughed looking away, "is there anything else you need?" 

"Your number," 

Minho lost his balance, "W-what?" 

" your number." Jisung took another step closer and handed his phone to Minho, "please," 

"Uhm...why?" Minho asked sweeping hair away. 

"I-" a bus approached and both boys looked at it. 

"Shit that's mine," he looked back at jisung, who looked disappointed. 

He sighed and took his phone, "there, happy?" 


Minho rushed to get on the bus and took a window seat, looking down at jisung. Then his phone buzzed and an unknown caller was trying to reach it. He answered and looks at jisung. 

"...Bye! Goodnight!" He hung up and the bus drove off. 


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