<Chapter 1>

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Jeongin slowly creeped up to the back gym door in order to get in, but the door was locked.

"Since when did they lock it?" he said aloud.

"Ever since the school found out you were getting in..." said a very familiar voice.

Jeongin turned around in horror and sees 4 terrifying figures come around from the corner.

"H-how?.." he sputtered.

"Hyunjin found out," said the tallest boy as he looked at the last figure to emerge.

A tall dark browned boy with plump lips emerged and leaned against the wall lazily. He was the leader of the group of 4. Next in line was Doyum, Hyeon, and Jun.

Jeongin stood there hands holding firmly to the door. He knew what happens next. He was either going to get full-on beat up or scuffed up and thrown to the ground. But they wouldn't let him get away unscathed.

Could I run? He thought.

After a mental debate, he booked it and started running towards the right of the building.

"HEY!'' Doyum exclaimed. 

They began to run after him, all but one who turned shyly the other way.

Jeongin ran around the school towards the front and when he got there, he bolted through the entrance, running past his friend, Jisung, who then proceed to run after him.

"Hey, Jeongin! What are you doing!?" he shouted.

Jeongin glanced behind him and accidentally ran into someone and they collapsed.

"Hey! What the heck?" said a boy with silvery blond hair rubbing his head in pain.

"Oops! S-sorry I-" Jeongin stopped talking when he heard a mix of voices saying:

"JEONGIN'S GETTING THE FUCK AWAY!" and "Jeongin come back!" So he got himself up and continued to run, leaving the boy on the floor.

"Hey!'' the boy said slightly getting up before getting slammed back down by another figure.

This time, the silver-haired boy didn't get up, he only groaned heavily, getting several stares from others.

"Omg are you okay?" It was Jisung. His face was only inches away, and the silver-haired boy could see every detail of it. 

"Ever heard of fucking personal space?" he said shoving him away.


"Ugh.. my head fucking hurts..."




"Get off my fucking crotch."

Jisung looked down to realize he was still sitting on him and hurriedly got off. A lot of people were looking at them now.


"Stop saying f-ing sorry"


He was touching his head and he heard people saying "Ew are they gay?" and "Ha I never knew he was gay...What a shame...Fag" 

He was enraged by these statements and snapped back saying, " I'M NOT FUCKING GAY!" standing up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jisung asked

People were surrounding the two and whispering heavily. Angrily, the boy shoved Jisung away and ran through the crowd. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

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