<Chapter 2>

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It was the next day, Wednesday, the worst day of the week. Jeongin had a two-period block of advanced literacy where the freshman and sophomore student's literacy teachers combine classes. Unfortunately, Jeongin has this class with Hyungin, Doyum, Hyeon and Jun.

Jeongin walked into Mr.Bang's classroom and most of his classmates were already there, so he quickly went to his seat before the class started.

He placed his backpack on his desk and laid his head on it and faced the window.

The sky is blue today... he thought while closing his eyes

Suddenly the classroom door bursts open and very familiar laughs fill the room.

Ugh... Jeongin thought covering his face with his sleeve.

The group settled in the front rows and continued their chatter.

Jeongin slowly removed his hand and peeks at the back of Hyunjin.

He's so calm compared to his friends...

"Ooo don't look now Hyunjin! The freak is watching you~"

Hyunjin looked in the corner of his eye and looked over. Jeongin got a flush of embarrassment and covered his face again with his sleeve.

Oh god...

"Leave him alone"

Jeongin peeks again in surprise.


"Bro, what's wrong? A sudden change of heart?'' Doyum teased bumping his arm.

"No just fuck off,"

Hyeon laughed and Jun smiled at him. Doyum scoffed and turned to join Hyeon's and Jun's conversation while Hyunjin pulled out his phone.

Woah... Jeongin gazed in awe and examined Hyunjin. He never really noticed him before, but taking a closer look, he found that he was quite attractive.

Hyunjin had dark brown hair in a messy, fluffy mullet and had dark mysterious eyes with a mark near his eyes that added extra charm. He also never wore his school blazer, so he wore his white undershirt and tie, which almost made him look sexy.

After looking at his clothing, he went to look at his face, but Hyunjin was peering at him through the corner of his eye again and Jeongin felt a rush of embarrassment and covered his face again.

Oh my god! He could feel his face getting hot. What the hell am I doing?

"Okay everyone settle down," Mr. Chan said walking in with Mr. Kim following closely behind.

Jeongin raised his head and put his bag on the ground beside him when he looked up, he noticed Hyunjin was still peering at him, so he slumped back down again.

Ughhh he totally hates me... Jeongin thought scrunching his face closed.

"Okay everyone, we have a new project starting today!" Mr. Kim started looking at Mr. Bang

"Yes! We wanted to combine the sophomores and seniors more, so for our next project, two students will be assigned a topic that Mr. Kim and I thought you two would have similar interests with," Mr. Bang said adding on.

"Mr. Bang and I Did our best-choosing partners and topics, so please get along well since there is no switching."

"Now, this is a BIG project. I need everyone to be engaged. Out of class meetups is encouraged since we only meet once a week,"

"Now, Teammates!" Mr. Kim exclaimed.

"Yes! Let me take out my list!" Mr. Bang said rummaging through his things.

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