<Chapter 3>

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"Ack!" Jeongin let out, falling to the ground after Hyeon had pushed him after receiving several beatings from the group. It was after school, and Jeongin had been forced outside in the back of the school. 

"Ya know," Hyunjin said tossing a rock between his hands, "I never understood why my friends bothered you," 

Hyunjin then threw the rock right at Jeongin's head and hit him in the nose. 

"Argh!" Jeongin cried out, cupping his nose in his hands, for it had almost imediatly started bleeding like crazy. 

"But now I know why," Hyunjin said glaring. He began to walk closer, and got down on one knee and lifted Jeongin by his hair. "So don't get fucking cocky." 

Hyunjin held him like this and Jeongin began to wimper in pain and as more blood came from his nose. 

Hyunjin dropped his head and stood up. 

"F-finish him off... or whatever," Hyunjin said slightly covering his face with his sleeve. 

"Dude what's wrong?" Doyum asked trying to get a closer look at Hyunjin, but he promptly shoved him away 

"I gotta go home," he said walking away

"Huh," Doyum said turning back around to look at Jeongin, " I dunno if we should."

"Yeah, I'm tired.." Hyeon said stretching

"My hands hurts..." Jun complained under his breath and Hyeon looked at him in the corner of his eye while he stretched.

The group began to walk  away and Hyeon grabbed Jun's hand and Jeongin was left alone crying 

I fucking hate everything... 

Felix was doodling in his notebook while he waited for Jeongin to get back from Mr.Kim. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander, but in the end, all he could think about was Changbin and their adventures from the day before... 


Felix was led to an abandoned factory building in an older part of town by Changbin, who carefully made his way through some of the rubble. 

"So where are we going?" Felix asked creeping behind him. 

"You'll see~" He responded, stopping at a huge entrance and slowly opening it, "Ya coming?" 

Felix sighed and stepped in. 

Felix looked around. There were speakers everywhere and in the middle was a giant stage. 

"Waaa~" Felix gasped at the sight and Changbin followed him in. 

"Hey! Changbin!" Felix jumped as he realized they were not alone. 

Three figures came down from the stage and approached Felix, one of them leaned forward, "Who are you?" 

Felix stumbled back, "F-Felix...You?" 

"Wonwoo," Wonwoo gets shoved back by another.

"Changbin what's he doing here?" 

"Haha, don't worry Vernon I have a reason," Changbin then grabbed his hand and pulled Felix to the stage. 

Once they got up, Changbin handed Felix a mic, "Rap," 

Felix slammed his head on his desk. He couldn't believe it. 

I actually raped.

Turns out Changbin was interested in Felix's voice and wanted him to try rapping. 



After awhile Jeongin decided to get up. Every muscle in his body ached. He stumbled towards a forested area in the back of the school and made his way through it. After a while of walking, he made himself to a hill where a limo was waiting. He approached carefully and opened the front side door. 

"Master Jeongin?" the driver said, "What's wrong with your face?" 

Jeongin laughed while getting in, "Oh well...I fell on my way up...sorry." 

"You fell?"

"Yeah...i'm fine tho." 


Then, the car drove off.

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