"I am sorry. I made you dirty again," Wangji says, picking up a washcloth and wiping Xian's back.

When he is satisfied that Xian is clean, he dresses him up in the new red suit, and once again sits him in the wheelchair. 

"Xian, let's spend the whole day outside together. I have dismissed all the servants for today. It's only the two of us, and Uncle." Wangji informs and chuckles, "Xian, we should find someone for uncle. He feels lonely. I know it. At least I have you. Uncle has no one."

He takes Xian to the garden and sits on a patch of grass under a tree. He looks at Xian, gentle smile graces his face. A second later, his brows knit, "Xian is mean." He mutters under his breath, but almost immediately regrets it. "I am sorry, Xian. I didn't mean it. You are not mean. It's my fault. Everything is my fault. It's my fault that I am not strong enough to wait for you." He apologizes and picks Xian up in his arms. He sits on the grass, with Xian's back to his front. 

He gulps and hesitantly holds Xian's hand, "The company I am setting up, I am doing it so that I will be with you forever. I can't keep hoping to find you, Xian."

Wangji hugs Xian from behind and puts his head on Xian's shoulder, "I have hidden something from you, Xian. After Xiaohui* I thought I couldn't go on anymore, that is when a thought came to me." Wangji pauses, "What if there was a drug I could take that could stop my heart, but keep me alive till you wake up. The Lan pharmaceutical company is a cover for developing that drug. If I can find such a drug, I wouldn't have to keep getting my heartbroken."

Wangji kisses Xian's cheek, "I am going to employ the best researchers to find a cure for my life. Once it is ready, I will sleep next to you for as long as it takes for you to wake up. I won't have to get my heart broken again. Uncle told me that when you wake up, your magic will be powerful. Once you wake up, you can wake me up too. Alright?"

Wanji brings his ear next to Xian's mouth and smiles, "Thank you, my love. I knew you would understand and agree." He sits holding Xian's unmoving form till dusk. When the sun finally begins to set, Wangji looks at Xian's face. The play of sun rays on his face makes the immortal smile, "So beautiful, so perfect, My Xian."

Wangji brings their lips together in a soft, innocent kiss once again, just like he had done at dawn, "I love you, Xian. I will always love you. I miss you. Come back to Your Jun."

He declares and requests, before putting Xian back in the wheelchair. 

He takes him to their bedroom. He cleans Xian with a soft, moist cloth and changes him before tucking him in bed. Then he dresses himself in black clothes.

He kisses Xian's forehead, "I will see you before dawn, Xian." the immortal whispers before leaving Lan mansion and going in search of his next prey. 




 *Almost 20 years later*

 *Year 2020*

Dressed in black, with only his eyes visible, Wangji lurks in the shadows. He follows his prey, and when the opportunity presents itself, he persuades them and takes them home. He targets killers, molesters, and rapists. He drinks from them and makes them admit their crimes; Shen helps him by rescuing the victims. Once Wangji takes his prey away, Shen rescues the victims and delivers them to a safe place, like hospitals or police stations.

It is one such night when Wangji is following a middle-aged man who is an accused child molester, that Wangji hears someone wince in pain, "Ahhh!"  The voice is familiar and close by; it is eerily similar to His Xian's voice. 

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