(SCP) Pain of Silence

455 26 14

Mario pov

'After getting back to our world, we went back to fighting and surviving other SCP's so it hasn't been fun but then again when has this place been fun?' I think as we turn a corner, on a new level, and another SCP. "What SCP is this exactly?" Kay-bear asks "hm? Oh the sign said SCP 042682." Bryan answers gazing around his hand in front of him, in his galaxy skin, ready to strike. Xylo stops mid step, "Bryan you don't breath right?" he asks and Bryan gives him a look "no? I'm a living portal, I don't need to breathe." Xylo sighs "Okay then, we only have to worry about Mario." "EXCUSE ME!?" I ask shocked Xylo waves his hands around and cries out "Hush, try to breath as little air as possible." i close my mouth and glare "care to explain Xylo?" Kay asks and so he does "SCP 042682 is the deadliest SCP in this entire building. It is usually contained within an air tight room and no one, and I mean no one goes into it." "why?" Kay asks Bryan's eyes go wide "don't tell me......" Xylo nods and Bryan grabs me and places his galaxy hand over my mouth and nose.

"Care to explain?" I ask, Bryan repeats me since my face is in a portal, Xylo sighs "this SCP is also known as the Black Plague." I freeze, my eyes widening "oh gods." I whisper and Bryan nods and we continue about the floor trying to find the next exit. We freeze when we hear a sob, it's muffled, we all lock eyes and we go searching for the voice. We find a person with a gas mask on in a room, there's a air tight button to clear out the room so we press it and the person jumps at the noise, they spin to us and we see its a girl. "B-Bryan?" the female asks and Bryan's eyes widen "Maria?" he whispers, and the female tackles Bryan in a hug, his hand slips from over my face, as he hugs her back. Tears leak from Bryan's eyes and we can hear quiet sobs from behind Maria's mask, "How are you here!?" Maria asks pulling back from the hug, Bryan explains what's happened to us, including our dimensional traveling, as he does i hear a hiss of air and look to the noise, i see a puff of black smoke and instantly know what it is, i take a step to the side so no one can see it and stay silent about what i saw.

"Holy cow." Maria says, then she proceeds to explain what happened to her after she put Bryan in the hallucination flower room, as she does i feel light headed but ignore it. "Wow, you made it all the way here from floor 102!?" Bryan asks shocked and Maria nods, "yeah i came here to st-ah poop." she begins then spins to me "how do you feel!?" she asks me, "besides the normal, am i going to die soon? question on my mind I'm good." i lie shrugging my shoulders, Bryan gives me a worried look, and i sigh "okay maybe not the best, but i can handle it." there's a loud hiss from behind me and i tense ever so slightly Maria pushes me out of the way and gasps as she sees the cloud of balck smoke puff up then fade. I feel weak and start to sway, Bryan runs to my side, grabs me, and holds me close to him. I groan and fully lean against him "I'm not feeling so good." I mumble and my legs give out. I hear Bryan whisper "No, No, No, Not again." and i fade to black

I open my eyes and meet the guy by the gate "Hey man." I greet him, he stares at me "Your time has not yet come........." he pauses then continues "but i am not sure that you can go back." i blink surprised "Wha? How?" i ask confused, he waves his hand and a bird-bath looking thing rises from the ground. He directs his hand for me to look into the water, i do. "He should have vanished, and come back by now!" Kay yells shaking Xylo, Bryan is holding my head tears falling in his eyes, Maria is fixing the pipe so the smoke doesn't come in anymore. Xylo shoves Kay off "I don't know why he hasn't come back yet but then again, this isn't a normal death we're talking about this is the Black Plague as in the sickness that wiped out millions!?" Bryan lets out a sob "NO! H-he has to come back! He-he's one of the only other people to understand!" Maria hugs Bryan and whispers something. Bryan shakes my body "Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP PLEASE!" my body flops uselessly, Maria looks to the side, "I wouldn't suggest normally but we need to get to floor 626 (yes it's Stitch i know) there we can get the special 2293 Apple." they look to her "It's also called Snow White's Apple." they all nod and head to the floor.

"Now what?" Bryan asks, Maria grabs the apple and takes a knife, she cuts a piece and places it in my mouth. "Now his prince or princesses charming kisses him." no one moves then Bryan leans down and places his lips to mine. "Well it would see you can go back now." the man says and i am outside the room, i can hear my friends "He vanished!" Kay yells "that means it worked!" Xylo shouts and i knock on the door the door is opened and Bryan jumps on me "MARIO!" I hit the floor with him on top of me, I grab his chin and tilt him toward me and kiss his lips. When i pull back i say "I love you too." he blushes, places his face in my chest, hugging me tighter, i laugh and then we all head to the next floor.

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