Shadows Return (Prologue)

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(Here's my muiti-part stories beggining.)

Soarin's pov

I was working in my office, not a lot of work, per Jakey's orders, since I overworked myself before and he doesn't want it to happen again. I start to read an email when a splitting headache appears, one that has my vision going black, i don't know how long I was unable to see but when i can see again Lobit has his hand on my shoulder "You okay Bryan?" he asks "You were staring at that email for the past ten minutes." I blink then reach my hands up to rub my eyes "I think i just blacked out." I say "Well then let's get you to bed and rest, 'cause I'd rather not be on the receiving end of your boyfriend's power." I laugh and follow him to my room, where I lay down on my bed, with a sigh. "Sleep for a bit then you can go back to work okay?" Lobit says I nod and say "I might sleep the rest of the night." he laughs and leaves me alone, and I fall asleep.

I'm walking, no clue where, but walking, I look around me and only see hedges. "Am i in a maze?" I ask aloud, I'm forced to take a turn, then I stop at a gate, inside i can see a chest but i have no clue what's inside i open the gate -CHUH-CHINK- that sounded oddly robotic then i walk up to the chest and open it, I'm forced awake and see i'm in the old pizzria's, that's behind the amusement park, office, a door i never see before is open. I take a step forward confused, then i see a gleam of metal "Hello?" I call out then i hear :WelL, wElL, If iT IsN'T Bryan.: i freeze recognizing the voice all too well "H-how!?" I ask taking a step back "Y-you were destroyed!" :SuRPriSe! I sUrVIvEd!: then i'm yanked into the room "NO!" I shout and all goes black.

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