(SDS) A World Without Lust

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Michael pov

Within the hour after Ritchie's power disappeared Merlin called us to her office, begging to know what had happened. We told her what we knew, he left to live with 'The love of his life' 24 hours later we get a cryptic mind message then, he was gone.

That happened 2 months ago, Ritchie is still dead and we have no leads on where his body could be or who killed him. But Merlin just called us mere moments ago saying she found someone with information, so here we, Me, Brandon, and David, are on full sprint (well sprint for two flying for one) toward her office. When we get there we are greeted with a young man sitting across from Merlin looking like he wants to say something. "Now that the other sins are here you may tell the full story." Merlin tells the man, to which he nods. "My name is Jones Maroon, i am a man who tends to go undercover to free oppressed women." "Get to the point!" I yell at him, Merlin gives me a dirty look to which I calm myself, "May I continue?" Jones asks unsure, "Yes, you may Jones." Merlin tells him. "So I went undercover when i heard a rumor about a man who owned a school, hiding away women for his sensual pleasures. When I got there, it turned out the rumor was true, so for months i was working on a way to cause a distraction so i could get them out, when a man in a cloak walked up to me and spoke to me yet his mouth did not move." We all leaned in at that, knowing Ritchie had mind powers.

Jones continued "He said that he could cause the distraction, I just focus on the women, so I nodded and he grinned, and like that he was gone, I quickly went toward the prisons only to find bodies littering the ground." We all gave him a surprised look. "I ignored them and focused on the women, when i got them out, and were heading toward the exit, I ran into a bunch of the man's people all confused and wondered why they were alive when some had died right next to them. I told them to just come along with me and to ignore the deaths they all looked unsure but went with it anyway." He pauses to take a breath "As i stood at the gate making sure those that had survived and the women got out, I heard the man from before once more, he said \The deed is done this Creature that called himself a human is gone, good work on getting the women and innocent out./ i asked him what he meant and he laughed and said \Those that died knew of their bosses cruel ways and just turned a blind eye, those who survived were innocent and had no knowledge of what was going on./ I asked him two last questions, what's your name and why did you help? He laughed and said \Name's Ritchie, and I helped because I was already on my way to kill the Creature, why not help a good soul out while im here?/ i was surprised and he laughed one more time then said \Well nice to have met you Jones. Do me a favor and tell the Seven Deadly Sins of what transpired here, they'll want to know. 'Till we meet again./ then i felt his magic leave my head, and I haven't seen him since."

"And you just got to us now!?" I yell in anger, "Woah easy Cap!" David yells trying to calm me down, "BLUPH" (you know when you keep your lips together and make an elephant noise when upset? Yeah that.) is the sound I make and throw my hands up, angry. "I truly do apologise I was trying to find out where to contact you but i was also at the same time trying to get the women to their homes safely. "Something doesn't :yawn: add up." Brandon says "Oh? and what's that exactly!?" I growl out "If we were :yawn: to go by Mr. :yawn: Jones' story then Ritchie would be :yawn: alive." I freeze and all the anger drains out of me, "D-do you think that, that's th-the truth." I stutter out hopeful. Brandon nods and i feel like a child in a candy store, gidy, "Where do we start looking?" I ask happy, Brandon shrugs then falls asleep, David shrugs, Merlin shrugs, Jones looks like he wants to say something, "You have any suggestions?" I ask him, he blinks surprised, "Um, maybe try his hometown, when i feel upset i tend to wander home." I stare at him shocked, "How have we not thought of checking there before!?" I shout. So me and the other two sins head home to get ready to go to Ritchie's hometown.

Time Skip to when they reach the town

We walk into the town and find it a cozy place, everyone is very kind, and are full of life. We split up to search for him, I just so happen to pass a graveyard when i see a mop of ginger hair out of the corner of my eye and my head snaps to the right. There in the graveyard is none other than Ritchie, I walk into the graveyard and hear him crying i freeze wondering who he's crying over. "Oh, Austin im so, so sorry. I know I said I'd get vengeance for you, and I did. But why is it that i still feel so lonely, and empty? I wish so dearly that I could have saved you that day, but I was too much of a coward. I'm just a fool now, my power is all but gone since I no longer have a purpose, no will to fight. Ha! What kind of sin am i huh? The sin of failing that's what." tears are falling down my face hearing how pained he is "Ritchie." I breath out his name. He spins to me wide eyes tears streaking his cheeks "Cap!? What're you doing here!?" I walk up to him and he tries to scoot away, only to run into his friend's gravestone, "Ritchie." I say again, he flinches and i fall to me knees in front of him, crying. He looks at me shocked "C-cap?" "I am so sorry Ritchie, i have done nothing but push you away." "Cap?" he questions, "I should have been keeping you close to me not away from me. I was just so afraid of the fact that you would leave a lover within the span of a day, that i didn't want to try to get close to you. I just didn't want my heart to break, because honestly i don't think i could have bared to lose my Mate, who am I kidding even if I wasn't a demon i would have still fallen in love with you." tears are all out falling as I ramble, until i feel a hug wrap around me "you love me?" I hear Ritchie ask, I nod, hiccuping and hug him in return, he tilts my head up and pulls me in for a kiss. Sparks fly, and i'm so happy, it lasts until I hear someone clear their throat, we break apart and turn to the noise only to see a ghost boy wearing a panda hat. "Austin?" Ritchie asks, the ghost nods, then looks at me "you ever hurt my best buddy, i will haunt you." I nod and Ritchie laughs. i join in when i realize that i just got permission to date Ritchie, be it from a dead friend it's still permission so i'll take it.

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