Tale as Old as Time (Part 2)

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Michael pov

Morning comes quickly and I head off to town to get another book. "Why hello Michael." a voice i dread speaks from behind me "hello Eden, what can i do for you?" I ask politely because I was raised to be polite. "Oh you know, marry me, bear my lineage, be mine." he says holding out a rose, i give a strained smile "Sorry Eden but i don't find you attractive in the slightest." i say and his lackey, J.P. sputters at me "How could you not think he's attractive!? Everyone does!" i just sigh and say "Excuse me gentlemen i am going somewhere." They step aside and I pass, I make it to the library and the librarian lets me keep my favorite book! That's one way to cheer up my day, i head to the field, the only other place i like to read at and also the place Eden doesn't know about.

"I'd thought I would find you here." a voice says startling me, i look up "Oh Lucas, when did you get here?" i ask, he laughs sitting next to me "just got here, Eden was asking about again." I groan and bang my head against the tree I'm sitting against. "Dude that's bad for-is that Raven?" (first person to guess where i got the name from wins me making them a gacha character, who i'll put in my Origin Z or Cinderella story) he asks i look up and see that Raven is in fact in the air flying toward home "RAVEN!" I shout, the Yellow-Feather-Blue-Beak-Dove, see's me and flies to me. He lands on my arm gently and coos at me, i ruffle his feathers under his chin then unlatch the message in the bag on his back, i open it and read it.

"I am so sorry Michael....but we won't be coming home. We, we got into some trouble, we're safe don't worry, we just can't leave. Michael if i never see you again know i will always love you, so will dad. I hope you find your purpose and find the most amazing man who will love you for you and not your beauty alone. Hope Lucas also finds those things as well, give him a goodbye hug from me and dad will you? With all our love, Devin and Dad."

I start crying, "Michael? Oh gods what happened? Michael?" i shove the letter into his hands and hug him tightly, i hear him mumbling as i sob into his chest. "Michael....." he begins but chooses to just hug me back instead. "I can help you get your family back." we hear a voice ring out and i leap off of Lucas and look around "on the bird!" the voice rings out and i look at the bird, in the message bag there's a little teacup blinking at me. "Y-you can?" i ask and it's body bends forward "yep, they're in my home, Boss wanted me to get you to come and help them get out." i pick up the teacup "please take us there......." "Inmo, my name's Inmo." I smile "Michael." Lucas grabs my arm "Lucas." the cup bends forward "we need to leave soon, the older man was very sick when i left." and we rush to the docks "we can take my family's spare boat." I say hopping into said boat, "And I can control the water." Lucas says taking control of the water.

The three travel through the night and make it to the castle, "well here it is, my home." Inmo whispers and the three head toward the door.

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