"You're worried about your daughter and your boyfriend, aren't you?" He asked as he slowly stood up. Anni noticed his eyes were dark. They almost seemed black. She also saw the crossguard saber was on his belt.

"Of course I am." Anni muttered. "Are they okay?"

"My granddaughter is fine." Kylo said before stepping forwards again. His hands behind his back.

"Your granddaughter?" Anni hissed suddenly as she pulled away from Kai.

"I'm not a different person, An." He said softly. "Kylo is just a metaphorical manifestation of my dark side. A consciousness that your mother killed."

"But you're still not my father." She growled and felt Kai grab onto her arm. He was worried Anni was going to attack.

"Where's mom?" Kai suddenly asked as he held onto Anni tightly.

"She's fine as well. She's asleep in my quarters. I'm afraid that when everything came back I may have hurt her. It wasn't intentional. It was just hard..." Kylo looked down before looking around the room. "I'm glad you've decided to come back... Both of you. I'd hate to see your potential wasted on that resistance scum of a base." He started pacing.

"What do you want? What even is the point in all of this?" Anni asked him as she felt Kai pulling his grip away.

"I'd like to ask you the same question, An." Ren said quietly.

"You don't get to call me that." Anni hissed at him. Ren turned back to look at her before walking back towards her. He came close and Anni gently stepped back.

"You're fiery. Just like your mother." Ren then turned to look at Kai. He chuckled to himself. "It's too bad you're a dissapointment. Trying to me like me, as if I was ever great in any way before." He said to Kai.

Anni turned and watched as Kai got mad. She never had seen him this frustrated before. Kai pulled out Anakin's lightsaber before turning it on. Anni then watched as Kai and Ren's lightsabers crashed. She stepped back more before realizing she didn't have her own on her. She only had Leia's. She nervously pulled up the end of her dress to pull the lightsaber off of her leg. She had it in a leg holster.

Anni watched as she pulled out the saber and flicked it on. She then started to run to try and help Kai.

Suddenly, the lightsaber went flying and then Anni was pushed back. She yelped as her body went back and slammed into the wall.

Kai and Kylo fought. They both had similar fighting styles, they were both rough, passionate, and all over the place. Kai was nervous and sweat was dripping down his forehead. He probably never thought he'd have to fight Kylo like this. He didn't believe he was fighting his own father. This wasn't Ben. This wasn't his father. This wasn't the man who's voice had been in his head his whole life. It wasn't the same person.

Suddenly, while the fight was still going on, the doors opened again. Rey had run in. She saw the fight going on and decided to run to Anni.

Anni was unconscious and her head was bleeding. She had hit her head off of the hard wall.

Rey grabbed a hold of Anni for a second before looking back at the fight. "I'm so so sorry. An. I'm so sorry." She muttered before she stood up. Rey reached her hand out and was able to stop the two in the middle of the fight. She then used the force to throw the lightsabers our of both of their hands.

Then, she let them go. The force them pulled both lightsabers into her own hands.

"This isn't worth your time." She growled before stepping forwards.

Kai breathed out as the force let the two of them go. He stepped back away from Ren quickly. Rey walked over and stood next to Kai. She made sure he was okay before Rey turned and looked back at Ren.

"He attacked me." Ren told her.

Rey shook her head. "This isn't the right time for this." She told the two of them. "I'm sorry this is happening to you, Ben but I can't fix this mess. That is up to you."

Ren watched her. "You know this is their destiny. You saw it written." He said to her. "You know this is our destiny. Your destiny, Palpatine."

Rey winced then shook her head. "He wrote that destiny. He made all of this happen. You know that. That doesn't mean that destiny is true."

"They're royalty, Rey. They should serve the whole Galaxy. Rule it. We should do it with them." Ren told her. "Just take my hand this time." He reached out his hand gently.

"I only want to take Ben's hand." She said to him before looking back over at Anni. She completely ignored his outstretched hand. "Who threw her? She's hurt."

Kai looked at Ren and sighed. "He did."

Rey looked at Ren angrily. "I would prefer if you didn't hurt my-"

"Our-" Ren said in the middle of her sentence.

"Daughter." Rey stopped for a moment before shaking her head. "You've hurt all of us enough, Ren." Rey said with a little bit of anger in her tone. She then grabbed Kai's arm and pulled him to walk to Anni.

"What now?" Ren called out to the two of them.

"I will talk to you later, REN!" Rey yelled back at him before she got Kai to help take Anni out of the throne room.

The Balance and The Force {Star Wars Ep. X}Where stories live. Discover now