Bit of Info

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Name: (Y/N) Yamada

Quirk: Silencer/mute - the ability to mute any sound, especially voices (this was handy as a kid when Hizashi was being annoying - he wasn't very fond of it tho xD). You can mute multiple sounds at once. Not only can you mute the sounds of voices or objects, but also make a person practically deaf because you can make them hear nothing at all. However, when blocking all sounds from a person's hearing, you hear the sounds loud and clear, causing ringing and blood from your ears. Deafening many people at once can also cause your ears or nose to bleed, sometimes even your eyes.

Hero Name: Silencer (pretty basic I know).

Characteristics: outgoing, but not as boisterous as Present Mic. Kind, yet straightforward. Quiet, yet talkative. Easy to talk to. Protective. Charges headfirst into battle. Lacks in close combat (focuses more on dodging - does have support items tho). Better at defense then offense.

(A/N picture is not u)

May edit throughout publishment, may change some things, and may possibly miss some things or add some things of my own. If some things seem confusing, feel free to ask questions or wait till things are more explained throughout the story. Story will more than likely have slow updates so heads up.


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