14 | what happens in hollywood

Start from the beginning

Jensen groaned. "Stop!"

"And you texted him with your Canadian number, Jensen fucking Rhodes!"

"Please suffocate me."

"Dude," Liberty said, "you said you were watching Rocky? Like... Like Rocky Rocky?"

Jensen put her hands over her face and hoped if she pressed hard enough, she'd suffocate herself and Liberty might stop talking about it when she came to in the hospital. "Is there another Rocky?"

"Jensen," Liberty said, "you're so fucking whipped I can't believe you."

Jensen raised her hands. "What?"

Liberty crouched down beside her, quirking an eyebrow as she turned the phone towards Jensen. Jensen sat up and took the phone from her hand, her eyes meeting a photo of Dayna mid-laugh and Miles in the back modeling a fresh tattoo on his tricep. A fresh tattoo with roses at the base of Rocky Balboa's waist as he threw a fist in the air.

"Tell me again," Liberty said, "how you're not completely in love with Miles Fox. Please. Convince me. You fucking liar, you."

"I didn't—" Jensen started. "That was a joke."

"You have inside jokes now?" Liberty asked. "Interesting."

"We have inside jokes," Jensen said, "that doesn't mean we're dating."

"You aren't into women," Liberty said. "And our inside jokes aren't inked anywhere on either of us."

"You're so embarrassing."

"I'm just saying," Liberty said in a sing-song voice.

"You're suggesting," Jensen said. "And I need you to stop."


"Because that's not what's happening here. Okay?"

"Sure," Liberty said, holding her hands up in surrender. "Okay. Whatever you say, Hollywood."

"Liberty, please."

"Fine." Liberty poked Jensen in the arm. "Did you get me my keychain?"


As it turned out, Liberty's willingness to Jensen dissolved day two of her being home. That was proven by the wakeup call of a slap to the ass at the crack of dawn. Jensen groaned and buried herself further in the covers.


"I am not teaching those ungrateful little shits one more day."

"Just yesterday they were angels," Jensen said. "One more day."

"No can do, Jens," Liberty said. "You're lucky I even got up to wake you."

"Slapping me in the ass is not waking me."

"You're awake, aren't you?"


"Up and at 'em, Miss Rhodes," Liberty said. "Go teach those fucking kids some things."

"How much Pulp Fiction should I expect?" Jensen threw the covers off herself and stared up at the darkness that was her ceiling.

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