Chapter twenty-five: the watcher

Start from the beginning

They waited for the boat to get to the dock.
"Are you excited to see your family again, Yamato?," (y/n) asked.
"Of course! My family is my pride and joy. Being a father and husband is the best feeling in the world.," Yamato answered with a smile on his face, He noticed his coworker's head drop a little, "(Y/n), I know you miss your family and I'm sorry for your loss."
"It's not you who should be sorry.," the woman replied, "You are not the one who killed them."
"Oh, yes. But I can still be there to help you.," the man said with a smile on his face. A smile that only a father can accomplish. The cold female looked to the boat as it pulled into the port, "Go back to the Mainland and be with your family."
(Y/n) turned and walked away as Yamato got onto the ship, she had to turn so he would not see the tears on her face.
She looked back out to sea when the boat left, the fin of a shark peered over the horizon, reminding her of her dream.

"I'll come get you soon."

She never could place that voice. The shark was a male and he did not want to hurt her thankfully. She realized that everything she remembered was sharks. A shark before she was saved from drowning. A shark in her dreams. A shark Keychain in that present she found. It could not be a coincidence. She began to shake. Was it a shark stalker? What the hell was going on?!
Two hands were placed on her shoulders and she looked behind her, it was Koisuke. He had his mask on again and some guards from his building were with him, helping to unload a shipment boat.
"Kyubii-nii.," the female said with some shakiness in her voice.
"What are you doing out here, (y/n)?," the fox like man asked and let the female go, "You seem to be a little upset."

"Just thinking over everything that has happened in the last few years.," the female replied, "As for why I'm here, I had to lead Yamato here so he could go home to his family."
Koisuke nodded and took off his mask, "I'm glad you are okay. You're still interested in meeting me for a date tomorrow, right?"
The female nodded, "Wouldn't miss it for the world, handsome."
She gave him a playful wink and put her own mask on as he put his back on as well. "Would you mind helping us with this?," the silver haired man asked and motioned to the boxes that some men were carrying out of the supply ship.
"I'd be happy to.," (y/n) replied and grabbed a box to put it on a supplies distribution vehicle. She helped until there were no more boxes to unload.

"You were a great help! Thanks!," one of the guards thanked her and bowed as the rest went to deliver the supplies. The woman nodded and felt Koisuke near her. She waited for the guards to leave before turned back to him, "Can I help you?"
"No, I was just about to go back to my building.," the fox like man replied, "I just wanted to wish you a good day."
"Thanks Koisuke-kun.," the therapist said to the man with a bow, "You have a good day as well. I look forward to tomorrow."
She walked back to the office and sat in her chair, she had only a few patients for today. Just had to wait for her patients to come. Her eyes felt heavy again and the shadow figure was in the corner of her eye. She sharply turned to the corner and saw nothing. Why was she suddenly getting these visions? Did it have something to do with Elf and what that bastard did to her? The blue and pink haired female took off her mask and rubbed her eyes. A flash vision of black sclera and yellow dots made her open her eyes again. That vision scared her and she looked in the handmirror to make sure she did not look sleep deprived.

Her left eye's sclera was a dark grey color. She rubbed her eyes again and blinked a few times before she looked at her reflection again. It was fine. Pure white. She sighed and looked for sleep deprivation signs again. She had none. Was it something else that was causing these hallucinations? She felt her head, she was not feverish. Did someone slip some sort of hallucinogenic into her drink? Her heart was beating faster as she heard the door open, it was Nico.
"I'm here for my session!," he announced, "Uno is next, right?"
"Y-yeah. Then Qi.," the female replied before getting quiet, "Do you have a checkup after this?"
"Nope! I'm going to building five to train with master!," the green haired boy exclaimed with joy. The cold woman nodded, "O-Oh. Okay."
'Perhaps the hallucinations are just part of my narcolepsy.,' (y/n) thought to herself and put a smile on for Nico. The Dark skinned American happily told her about everything he was interested in and hoped to accomplish. Nico showed her that he was okay for traveling to another building with where he stashed his medicine.
It was in the ball and chain on his leg, "It's called 'Black hole', cool right?"
"Very, I would have never guessed that was where they were.," the female said with a smile.

Nico got up when their time was over and left with Rock as Jyugo and Uno came into the room, these two must not have wanted to go train at building five.
Both sat on the couch, bickering about who is the loafer. (Y/n) shook her head and threw the two some drinks. The two stopped as soon as they had something else to focus on, the female sighed and rubbed her eyes. "So, I'll put this down as a group session so you can skip yours Jyugo.," (y/n) said, "I want to get this done as soon as possible to get ready for tomorrow."
"Ooh, what's tomorrow? A hot date?," Uno asked in a joking manner. Jyugo snickered a little. The cold bodied female knew they liked to tease the guards.
"Actually yes.," the female said and both of the teen boys fell forward.
"Wait! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!," Uno shouted, "It better not be Honey or Trois!"
"Are you thick? I don't date patients.," the female said and tapped his head, "It's Kyubii-nii."

"You mean the supervisor of building nine?," Uno asked.
"Precisely.," the female replied and took a sip of a drink she took from her mini-fridge, "We agreed to go on a date tomorrow after Kiji-nii advised it."
Uno and Jyugo looked really surprised.
"What?," the female asked.
"No offense but, not many people have a lot of tolerance for your temperature.," Uno said, "I honestly thought you would be single forever. Bt you actually found someone willing to give you a chance, so congratulations."
"That does not help my self-confidence, but thanks.," (y/n) said leaned forward in her seat, "Got anything you want to tell me in terms of your comfort or mental health?"
"Not much, Yukino, We were just going to the recreation room.," Uno said then shivered, "But those building three assholes will be there."
"I think you two should go play anyway, socializing is good for you.," the woman said and got up, "also, come here. You two look like you need hugs."
The British teen back away quickly, "I don't want to be a popsicle!"
Jyugo was confused and was caught in his therapist's arms, she was not as cold as he expected, "Hey, this is actually comfortable."
"It's the insulated jacket.," the female said and let go, "The hug was because you two looked like you needed one."
Uno got a hug after Jyugo tested the hug out first.

The three walked to the recreational room and found the building three inmates there with Ahato. Ahato called Jyugo and Uno a '2' and a '1'. It had to be their weird facial grading system.
"Miss hana.," Trois said and caught her arm, "So glad to see you, I have a very important question for you."
"It better not be about my undergarments.," (y/n) replied flatly and the Frenchman let her go, "I thought as much. You and Honey have no shame."
Trois had his usual charming smile on, "Not even a little indulgence?"
"Only if you answer mine first.," the female answered, "How do you sleep, clothed, underwear or nude?"
"Touche.," the two perverted males said.
The inmates started to play with the games as (y/n) and Ahato watched.

"Ahato. I need some help with my makeup tomorrow.," the female said and the feminine man turned to her with enthusiasm, "It's for a date."
"With Koisuke, I heard! I am thrilled that you came to I, Ahato, for help!," the man said and grasped her hand.
The young woman smiled and was a little oblivious to the three males looking over to her and whispering among themselves.
"Please come by our building tomorrow before your date, I, Ahato, Will make you look absolutely darling!," the black haired male said with a smile on his grey lipstick covered lips.
"Thanks Ahato, I don't know what I would do without you or Kiji-nii.," the cold female replied before dismissing herself to visit building five to give Qi a session.
The silvery-green haired Chinese inmate was pleasant in their conversation and did well with the session. (Y/n) visited Momoko in headquarters before going back to her dorm after she clocked out.
"Finally off-duty.," the blue and pink haired woman sighed and took off her jacket, "Perhaps I'll be able to sleep tonight. I hope so at least."

It was hard to get to sleep from how excited she was. But that passed.
Right before she went to sleep was the feeling that she was not alone.

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