Taken Part 2

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Harry was in charge of the van, guns, masks, and grenades. Liam was in charge of the hideout and Niall was in charge of the interogation.

Louis had to make the choice of having a garage sale and selling his house and his house hold. Zayn went to gamble some more. Louis had a lot of money because of all the shit he didn't need, maybe even more than Zayn did.

Later that night Zayn came home sad cause he lost all of the money and none left. Louis suprised Zayn by the big wad of cash.

Harry tried to track Zayn or Louis if they used a credit card, but found nothing only Louis mom.

Louis is tired of running.... "I have no money, no food for the baby and I'm pregnant with Harry's kid this time and Harry is really jealous that I'm hanging out with Zayn.....again."

But then Harry had an idea of calling Louis mom and then he makes the call, ring ring........ring ring "Hello this is Johanna Tomlinson how may I help you" she said " hi Mrs. Tomlinson this is Harry, remember me," "Hello Harry how are you, how you been," "Good, Good hey have you heard anything about Louis?", " um yes actually he's headed to Las Vegas with his friend"," thank you I hope I have more of your casserole." They both laugh.

Harry, Liam, and Niall drive to Las Vegas to find Louis and Zayn.

It was a normal hot day in Las Vegas, Louis and Zayn were trying raise up enough money to get more things they need at their house. Harry and them look around for Louis, Zayn, and Allan (Sorry I don't talk about the baby much) Louis is playing a game and keeping Allan entertained while Zayn is gambling. Once Louis runs out of coins then he goes to get some more. He turns and sees Harry fucking Styles. "Oh shit!" Louis turns around quickly and gets Allan then leaves. Louis sees Niall and Liam looking for him to and then Liam yells "There he is!" and then Harry sees Louis and starts sprinting to him. Louis runs out of the building then he hides in a portal potty, Allas crying and trying to make him stop and then Louis doesn't make a sound. Harry is checking every portal potty. Allan starts crying then Harry breaks the door open then pulls Louis out then Harry is there pointing a gun at Louis. Zayn sneaks behind Harry and then chokes him, Harry shoots him in the chest and Louis there crying on the ground holding Allan.

Harry gets up from the ground and then starts attacking Louis and punching him and kicking him. Allan is on the ground crying. Louis is unconscious and then Liam and Niall pick him up and taking Louis in to a regular bathroom and then Harry is pulling his pants down and raping Louis making his ass red.

Niall took Allan away. It was Liam turn to rape Louis and Louis hated it so much he wanted to hurt him but there was nothing he could do.

When they're finished they bag Louis head and throw him in the back of Harry's car trunk.

I love you-Harry Styles(Larry Stylinson Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now