Chapter 14: Keep On Wishing

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In Derek's room, on his desk, I add a few pages for our first draft before I call it a day. Derek has his head in his phone, chatting a girl, probably. He's all smiles, I can't help but wonder when he's going to introduce her to the group.

An e-mail notification tings from the Mac, and I immediately open it up. At first, I'm distorted, but then my eyes widen on the header: CONGRATULATIONS! Damn, this is it. I'm going to get my results. Finally, I can send my application for Harvard.

"Derek!" I shout after reading the whole thing. Mom has to know this as soon as possible. Plus, I promised her she'll be the first one to know that I've aced all of the subjects. She'll be delighted, I know.


A grumble echoes from behind and I hear him setting foot on the floor. "What?" Derek snaps, annoyed.

Without turning to him, still looking at the computer, I say to him, "Drive me home."

"What the hell? It's almost midnight, dude. Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

No, it can't wait.

Derek decides to go to sleep some minutes later and tells me to go to sleep as well. He switches the lights off and drifts off. I am staring at the ceiling and am sleeping on the floor, Derek on his bed. I can't sleep. I'm too ecstatic to tell Mom about my results. I must tell her NOW. This is something that should be told to the world right after it's gotten out. I'm not going to miss this moment. And I don't care if it's midnight. I HAVE to tell Mom. Right. This. Instance.

Derek's keys are beckoning me on his desk. I take them and leave a note to him telling I'm going to borrow his car and one for his parents in the kitchen telling them I have to go.

His car is parked on the sidewalk. I slide in the driver's seat and inhales a deep breath. This is it. It's not that I don't have a license, it's only that I don't have a vehicle to use my license for. I'm sorry, dude, but this really can't wait.

I drive home in the middle of the night. The roads are quiet, and I'm the only vehicle that's running on the streets, making noise. But, that only makes it faster for me to reach home. I can speed whenever I want. And I don't have to worry about getting into an accident with another vehicle.

Exactly when the time strikes 12, I can already see our house in the near distance. I get inside the house through the back door fast, and silently knock on my parents' door. No answer. I knock again. Nothing. I sigh. They're probably asleep. What am I thinking? I'm home when I'm supposed to be at a sleepover. I'm waking people up in the middle of the night. I have a class tomorrow, and I haven't even got some rest from yesterday. This is absurd.

I withdraw and walk to my room. Inside, I text Derek I'm already home and that his car is on our driveway. An idea flashes inside my head and I immediately power up the Mac, write an e-mail to Mom, and sent it with the e-mail of my results. The first thing she does in the morning is to check her inbox. She'll be very pleased to be greeted with such good news.

The night passes quickly and I am woken up by the sound of my phone. I reach out, take the call, and sit up on my bed.


"'Yeah?' My car, Neil, my car! I have to get a ride with Dad to school, thank you very much, which meant I was woken up at 5 a.m., you bastard."

I grin at Derek's complaint. He's probably at school by now, and it's still an hour away from first period. "Yeah, sorry. I'll bring it to school. I've to get ready, bye." He is going to rant again, but I cut the line off before he can say another word.

In the kitchen, I see Mom and Dad on the table. Mom turns to me and gives me a smile. It's been quite long since I received a gesture like that from her. I bask into the warm atmosphere of the kitchen and eat my breakfast. Dad smiles at me too. I smile back at the both of them.

"I hope you didn't make the Masons worry about not finding you in their house today, kid," Dad utters calmly. I smile and nod. He understands why I did what I did. He's not mad about it, and if Mom didn't like me sleeping over at Derek's, I bet she's already cooled down by the good news.

Mom lays her silverware down on the table and turns to me. "That was considerably one of the best morning greetings to make up for some mistakes." I smile at her. She smiles back. "Keep it up, son. Keep making your mom proud."

"I will, Mom. Thank you."

She nods, drinks her coffee, and turns to me. "You already sent your application." I nod, though it's not a question. "Grand!" she exclaims and stands up. "Maverick, please refrain from making dinner tonight. Tonight, we're going out."

Dad glances at me. "She's at it again," he mouths. I shrug. I love it when Mom's like this, though Dad finds it pretentious. I don't. How much I want her to be like this everyday. I don't need to have dinner in a grand restaurant. A homely supper made by Dad will do. I just want Mom to be this warm and delighted.

I am going to Derek's car when Mom halts her Mustang in front of me. She rolls down the window and with her delighted voice, "Come on in," invites me for a ride. Don't mind if I do, Mother. Without a second thought, I slide inside the vehicle. I'll deal with Derek later. This, is an opportunity that only comes scarcely in a lifetime. Never am I going to miss it, ever.

When we reach the high school, Mom kisses me goodbye and drops me off. The day feels quick than other days, maybe because I am frenzied by the fact that Mom drove me to school and will let me ride with her on our way to the restaurant she chooses for dinner. I love this. This is all I wanted. I'm not going to mess this up.

"My car?" Derek demands when I sit beside him for first period.

"Parked," I mutter, "in our driveway. Sorry. Something great came up."

"What the heck! Neil! You—"

"Mom drove me to school." That silenced him. He looks at me as if he can't believe it. When our teacher comes in, he turns to the front and murmurs a, "Wow, something great, huh."

After school, Derek comes with me to my place to get his car. We catch Mom and Dad getting ready for dinner. When Dad sees him, he asks how he is and how he's parents are doing. Derek replies he and they are doing great. Then, Mom walks down the stairs, sees me, smiles, and I go to her to kiss her cheeks. Unlike Dad, Mom asks Derek how he's doing in class and where he's going to a university. Derek answers he's doing fine, and that he doesn't know yet. Mom nods and tells me to get ready. I do.

This is one of the best nights I have with Mom. She takes us to dinner in her Ford Mustang. She lets me order what I want. She pays for everything we ate, and even gets into a little argument with Dad about that. Then, we stay out for a little bit more before we go home.

Later, in my room, Mom surprises me and comes into my room after Dad went out. She catches me doing our research and comments on how irresponsible my other members are for letting it do it by myself. I laugh because it's true. She smiles. She doesn't stay long, but long enough to make me feel better than the past days. She kisses me good night, I kiss her too.

When she's already at the door, I call her and she turns her head. "Thank you, Mom. I love you." I smile. To my surprise, she smiles back and says those 3 words back to me, adding a fourth one. "I love you too."

How I wish this night would last. How I wish it's always like this.

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