Chapter 5

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I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing. I glanced over to it and read 8:00. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. "No no no no! Not today!" Not that today was any special day, but my only class today with Adam was first period, when I make sure I look my best. Today, I couldn't afford to get ready. It was either scratch my perfect attendance, or impress a hot guy. My better judgement told me to remember school and not Adam. I put on my favorite sort-of-stylish sweatpants and pulled on a warm, comfy, slouchy, unnecessarily stylish sweatshirt. I didn't care at this point. I didn't bother to shower and skipped my skin care routine. I put on an unnoticeable amount of mascara and a hint of lipgloss. I grabbed my backpack and barely heard my mom yell a "have a good day sweetie!" I hopped on the bus just as it was leaving.

I pulled a hair-tie out from underneath my sleeve and pulled my soft straight hair into a messy bun. As I did this, strands of my hair fell into the lipgloss on my lips and stuck. I grunted in frustration. "You gettin' busy up there?!" Someone yelled from the back of the bus. I ignored the comment but heard several sneers and chuckles around me. Those things didn't really bother me. I pulled out a tissue from my purse and my phone and re-applied my messy-looking gloss.

I trudged out of my bus feeling nasty. I felt as if I walked through a gross green swamp. The pretty scent of my perfume that I had used to mask the scent of the shower I had not taken had faded and my original smell had returned. Luckily, I had some body spray in my gym bag, so I hit my gym locker just before class. I also had an extra clean t-shirt that just-so-happened to match my sweatpants, so instead of my ugly-but-comfy sweater, I slipped that on. "Oh shit! I forgot a bra!" I yelled. I slid back on my sweater and left.

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