Time skip

52 4 0

That was all 8 years ago.....

Run, run, run....

Stay back....

Keep running....


Help.... me....

I kept running, that entire mantra running through my head over and over again. The rain pouring down on my body, making my body fairly numb to the pain its feeling. With the numbness though, I could faintly tell that the blood-my blood-was still trickling down my arms and legs.

The sky roared above me, all of the lightning clashing overhead. I couldn't really tell which way I was going, all I knew was that I had to get away fr—


"Come on, ugly! You can't run for ever! Tell us what happened!"

"Sakura, please stop running!! We are only trying to help yo—"


I flung a few kunai and shuriken at them, trying to stop them or, at the very least, keep them at bay long enough to escape and hide from them. But, even though I knew it was futile, especially with Kakashi's sharingan, most likely still activated, I had to try. I refuse to give up without a fight on my part.
20 minutes later...
I'm all out of weapons, chakra, and stamina. The only thing I have to protect myself is one kunai. One, measly kunai. And I damn sure am gonna use it. I'd rather die fighting than without resistance at all.

With my stamina practically gone, I stop running, turning on my heel, gripping my last line of self defense like a life line, I stand there, shivering like there's no tomorrow.

Which as far as I'm concerned, there is no tomorrow.

Whimpering, I realize that I must have been running on adrenaline, because the pain-that I thought was being numbed because of the rain and cold- in my body hits me full force, making me stagger on my feet, my hand pressing itself against the bark of the tree I was standing next to to balance the rest of my body.

I heard their footsteps, coming towards me, like they were approaching a wounded animal, trying not to scare it, which would make sense if they weren't the ones who did this to me in the first place.

And as soon as I saw their faces, any  self-courage or bravery that I previously had went straight down the drain.

With every step they took, I tried taking 2 steps back. I refused to look at their faces again, pretty much sensing the looks they had on their faces, the remorseless sneers that practically jeered at my every movement.

My body wouldn't stop shaking, no matter how hard I tried to make it stop. My grip of the kunai was slacking, with my hand being drenched in rain and my own blood, it made it hard to get a firm grip on it. But, at this point, I may as well give up. There's no way I'm making out of this alive.

There's no point of even trying....

"C'mon, Sakura-chan... we just wanna help yo—"

I shook my head, my voice barely a whisper.

"N-no... l-l-leave m-m-m-me al-alone..."

That's when Sai spoke up, his voice dark.

"That's it. Let's go, Ugly."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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