Chapter 34: Sebastian

Começar do início

I shook my head. "Not since this morning. I think he's mad at me."

Tom frowned. "Why?"

Shrugging, I lifted my hands to rest behind my head. "I prayed for another nurse this morning."

"So? That's a good thing."

"And the CNA that wheeled me to my test, and the X-RAY tech, and ultrasound tech... made all my tests take twice as long. So, when he came to tell me semi-politely to knock it off until my testing was done, and I said I couldn't help it, he seemed a little... perturbed."

Tom just stared at me for a moment, as did Summer before she smiled and reached down to take my hand. "Poor Bassy. You'll just never learn, will you?"

I shrugged. "People need to know that Jesus loves them, and if I can tell them that, then I will, so long as I'm able."

Tom huffed, and I turned to look at him. "It's one thing I admire most about you, Bas; your stubborn obedience."

I smiled, then paused as a quiet voice floated through my head, and I looked out the open doorway to see an older nurse, maybe in her sixties, sitting at the nurse's station, staring blankly at the computer in front of her.

"I hope you mean that, Tom." I said, and glanced at him.

"You know I do."

"Good. Because I need you to cover for me in case Marcus comes back." I began pushing the blankets off my legs.

"Why, what are you—?"

"Be right back." I said, and eased ol' metal leg off the bed to land with a quiet tap next to my bare foot.

Tom didn't try to stop me, but I heard him let out a breath as I moved toward the open door. For a minute, I just stood there, my eyes scanning the surrounding hallways for Marcus. When I didn't see him, I dashed out and approached the elderly nurse.

"Excuse me?"

Her eyes lifted to me, looking wide behind her glasses. "Yes? Do you need help? You should use the call button rather than getting out of bed, honey."

"Actually," I looked around again. "I know this sounds nuts, but I was wondering if you had problems with your knees? Specifically your right one?"

For a moment, she just stared at me, her brows knitted close. "What?"

I glanced over my shoulder again, then leaned on the desk to face her better. "I feel like God's telling me that you have a problem with your right knee, and he wants me to pray for you, so He can heal it."

Her lips parted, and she reached up to pull her glasses off her nose. "I don't—"

"It's from arthritis." I said as more knowledge came to me. "And it hurts today because of the cold weather."

She dropped her glasses to clatter onto the desk. "I... yes."

Nodding slightly, I did another sweep for Marcus, then rounded to her side of the desk. "Can I pray for it?"

She nodded, her expression frozen into something between awe and disbelief as I knelt on my real knee and placed my hands on hers. Closing my eyes, I prayed deep, thanking God for renewal in her tendons and joints, for strength and absence of pain, then removed my hands and asked her to move it.

"How does it feel?"

"The pain isn't as sharp, but it's a little tight." She said, massaging it gently, and I replaced my hands.

"Let's pray again."

"You don't have to—"

I closed my eyes and prayed again, and when I asked her to move it a second time, her eyes went wide, and tears filled them

Belief in Miracles (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora