Chapter 13: Summer

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I felt so stupid. It would have been one thing for Jerry to drive past and see me so upset, but no, it had to be Sebastian. And not just him, but Tom too. If there was a Summer-sized rock that I could crawl under and die, someone needed to point it out to me. I was mortified. There I was, walking in the snow, crying as though someone had killed my cat, when really, I just didn't want to be alone, and was tired of being left that way.

Jerry's decision shouldn't have bothered me. Had he told me even a week prior, it probably wouldn't have. I wasn't opposed to them taking a trip back to Florida to see Meredith's family. In fact, I'd be grateful to spend one Thanksgiving out from under Meredith's cold, judgmental stare. So, what in the world was wrong with me that it would cause me to break down like I did? Surely not the snide little comment he'd thrown in. Then again, Mom had always said, "bind your tongue, because sticks and stones will break your bones, but words hurt most of all..."

No, he hadn't meant it to be an insult. Jerry was stubborn, but he wasn't cruel. Not like that. I chalked up my overactive emotions to the fact that I'd run into Louis the day before. Either that, or I was getting ready to start my period. Regardless of the cause though, I knew I'd put my brother in an awkward situation, and looking back, that hadn't been my intention. Once things settled, I'd have to apologize. We both would.

For the time being, though, I let the tears continue to fall, unable to hold them back for reasons that were unknown and likely ridiculous. Sebastian didn't say a word. He didn't pry about what happened, didn't ask me every few seconds if I was okay, like I would have if it'd been him. He just sat with his arm around me, his hand clutched against my shoulder as I soaked up his warmth, trying to ward off my shivering. No doubt, when we got back to his place, he'd want me to open up, but for the moment, he was doing exactly what I needed him to: nothing.

I sighed heavily as Tom rounded onto Sebastian's street, and I caught his eyes flit to me again in the rearview mirror. He looked concerned, but, like Sebastian, he didn't pester me, which I appreciated. The fact that he was a Pastor made me unfairly biased toward him, but I was slowly realizing that Tom was different, and I could tell he was a good man. One who obviously cared a great deal for Sebastian, and that was good enough for me.

When we pulled into the driveway, Tom turned around in his seat to look at us, his eyes passing between the two of us before lingering on Sebastian. "Need me to come in with you?"

Sebastian removed his arm from my shoulders, and I felt the absence immediately as he shook his head. "No. Thanks for everything, Tom."

He nodded, but didn't remove his eyes from Sebastian. Looking up at him, I saw worry in their depths, not for me, but for him.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked, and I didn't miss the warning stare that Sebastian gave him.

"I'm fine." He opened the door and started climbing out, extended a hand to me.

"Call me if you need anything." Tom hollered over his shoulder once I was out.

Sebastian nodded, then led me up the driveway toward his front door. A minute later, we were inside. Unlike last time, when I'd been so focused on his being sick, I took the opportunity to look around his house. It wasn't huge; a handful of square feet smaller than mine, maybe. The front door opened into the living room. A scuffed, brown leather couch occupied most of the right wall beneath the window. A matching recliner sat diagonal on the wall across from me, beside which was a four-legged wooden table riddled with drink rings.

A wood and glass coffee table was in the center of the room, before a shallow fireplace adjacent to the front door. A flat screen was mounted above it. To the left, was the kitchen, separated from the living room by a bar counter with three mismatched stools. A bible lay open in front of one of them, a collection of highlighters scattered on the counter next to it.

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