Chapter 2: Sebastian

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2 Sebastian

We both ordered the same thing- chai lattes with extra cream and sugar, and took a small round table in the back corner. Summer sat with her back to the room, her drink nestled between her hands as she stared at it, softly blowing on the steam that rose from the cup. I just stared at her. She had fiery red hair falling past her shoulders in tight-ringed curls that were a mite on the frizzy side, and pale skin that was accented by a smattering of freckles across her nose.

She wasn't looking at me. Her expression seemed contemplative, as though questioning what exactly she was doing there with me, a perfect stranger. I'd been asking myself the same question since we'd left the church. Generally, I wasn't the type of person to ask someone out on a whim. But I'd done it, and there we were, sitting face-to-face in a Starbucks, drinking the same drink, and saying absolutely nothing to each other. Score one for awkwardness.

"So, what did you think of the group? For real?" I asked after a moment to break the ice. "I know Tom has one of those faces that almost demands an admission of likability, but honestly, what did you think?"

Summer finally looked up from her latte to meet me with blue/gray eyes the color of storm clouds. Her lips inched into half a smile as she shrugged. "It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"Like I said, it wasn't what I was expecting."

"Let me guess, castles and gargoyles?"

Pulling her hands away from her cup, she shook her head on a laugh that was pure music. "No. I guess I thought it'd be more like a shrink's office. The whole, 'hi, my name is... this is why I'm here... now what can you do for me' deal." Her lips lifted a little more. "The first half didn't disappoint."

Shrugging, I picked up my cup and took a sip that scalded my tongue, fanned it with my hand as she watched me. "You were a newbie. Courtesy required that the first half take place."

Summer inclined her head. "I guess so." She took a drink of her latte and sighed heavily. "Although I wasn't expecting to get a date out of it."

"You and me both, but I told you it's not really a date, and even if it was... well, I don't regret it." I admitted, and caught the apples of her cheeks blush in a way that complimented her hair and made her look stunning.

"Do you generally make a habit of asking people you've known for an hour out to coffee?" She asked, and shook my head.

"Quite the contrary, actually. Unless Tom asks me to accompany him somewhere to help welcome a new believer, I tend to stick to myself. I've asked someone out on a date only once in my life."

Her brows rose as she took another sip. "I find that hard to believe."

Shrugging, I waded a plastic stirrer through my latte. "True nonetheless. I like to keep my circle of relationships tight."

"Are you in a relationship right now?" She asked. Her tone was casual, but her eyes hinted at a deeper curiosity.

"No. Not for quite some time. She left me after..." I trailed off, felt the weight of her stare as I looked down at my drink again. "All this." I finished, finally.

She was frowning at me, her expression one of deep sympathy. "I'm sorry."

"Thanks, me too. But..." I let out a breath and leaned back in the seat. "It is what it is, and I daresay I'm better for it."

Summer nodded slowly. "It still sucks."

I shrugged, picked up my chai and took a small sip. "As does life, on occasion, but that's what I have God for."

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