Face to Face

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Skyler's POV: After everything that happened yesterday I deserved a break, so no class for the day. I got up around 12 pm and started making breakfast for myself. Turning on the TV the news came on and shown the incident yesterday of the Super terrorizing the town and how a pair of "superheroes" jumped in to save two helpless girls about to be murdered.

-sighhh- Exactly what we need..attention, I thought to myself. As I ate my eggs and bacon I continued to watch as they showed a leaked video of a pedestrian who happened to caught the whole fight on tape. Observing the whole fight I realized how heroic Xavier actually looked saving me...and of course, her. Then it showed Evan tackling the super with a car door, that's gonna leave a mark.. The pedestrian tried getting closer for a better view of the said "heroes" but Xavier vanished in the shadows with Mila leaving not a trace and Evan jumped towering over buildings.

I held my head as i heard a pounding was at my door. Who could it be this time, Xavier went ahead to class and so did Evan and no one else checks on me like that. I put on some slippers and opened it. "Skyler Dough?" one of the two men asked taking off his shades. They were both wearing police uniforms and they were very professional. "Yes, and to whom may I bestow the pleasure of speaking with me" I replied snarky leaning against the door.

"The police and we need you to come with us for question, my lady" the opposite officer interfered showing his badge. Well look who's the bad cop, whyy so serious. I put on my shoes and a jacket and walked to their patrol car. They opened the back and there was already someone inside, oh..of course it is. I rolled my eyes and exhaled, "Do we have a problem" the policeman's voice sounded behind me as he put his hand on my back.

I gritted my teeth "No..we don't", I stepped inside and sat next to her. I fucking hate cops..."So why did they pick you up, Mila?" my voice groaned as I crossed my legs. She looked out of her window and ignored me. I felt a vein almost burst in my head as I saw that smug look on her face. "Wowww my apologies your highness" my voice grew louder as I snarled over at her. "Hey you two, no talking back there!" one of the officers looked back yelling at us.

We pulled into the station and were guided into what seemed like an interrogation room. Me and Mila sat on opposite sides of the table and just stared at each other at moments.
"I didn't tell them anything, and I recommend you do the same. And we DO NOT mention Annika, if they ask we just woke up healed." Mila whispered to me while looking down.
"And don't respond or make a scene right now, their listening.." she continued.

How stupid does she think I am, "don't make a scene", ughh I swear imma.. One of the officers came in holding a folder and broke my chain of thought. "Hello ladies, how are you all doing today" he sounded cheerfully as he dropped the folder on the table. I knew it was a ploy as this has not been my first time in this type of situation. With the silence and obvious discomfort we were giving off the man chose to just continue, "..Alright great! Well I'd hate to keep y'all here longer than I need to, plus I can imagine you both hate being in this type of room again." tapping his folder.

Again? Both of us?..now hold on I know I've been here before for vandalizing but what could she have possibly done to be in here.
I looked over at Mila and she was looking down and I could tell she was about done with this "investigation". "What do you need to know, I'd like to get this over with" she told the officer in a low voice.

"Well..someone's in a hurry" the man pulled out photographs of the incident out of his folder, "I need you both to tell me EVERYTHING, including if you know those two supers who were playing hero".
Mila and I explained the incident without saying who were our "heroes" of course. "Why are the police looking for people who actually stopped a crime and possible from happening" Mila blurted during the conversation as she put her arms on the table.
"Well sorry to inform you, but your 'dark knight' was doing what we call Vigilantism and we can't allow that, for everyone's safety." he told her with a hint of attitude.

"Vigilante....safety?" her fists balled up while on the table and I could see the rage in her eyes, "They saved my life when I begged for those crappy ass 'officers' to help me! At least someone did! Instead of trying to end someone who's good you should probably find and thank them for doing your job!". The room grew silent as the officer observed her then put his information back in his folder.
After 30 min of constant questions and cover ups he said we were good to go. On my way out I looked for Mila but couldn't find her. I looked left and right but couldn't see her. Then at a glance I saw her blonde hair turn a corner and I ran full speed in her direction.

No we're not friends, I just want to know what the officer meant by her being in this situation before..this girl has too many secrets. And I can't have a walking mystery around the people I care about.. Once I reached close to the street corner I began to tip toe and made my foot steps as quiet as possible. I couldn't hear myself anymore and I made my breathing as quiet as a mouse. As I reach the corner it was almost like I reached my full potential, I peeked.

Mila was talking to some girl and as I looked closer I saw it was the bitch she has as a sister...greattt there's two of them, my brain thought sarcastically. I must've came late to the discussion because she was already turning to leave. Abruptly I turn my head from the corner concealing myself between a corner in the wall I was by. I covered my mouth hoping Mila or her doesn't turn my corner or see me.. that's definitely the same lady from the night..that night, my mind raced.

Mila came out of the alleyway and I awaited her sister to follow suit, but nothing. Ok there's Mila but where's the other one. I know I passed math, they may look alike but there's definitely two of them. After a second of waiting and seeing that Mila already walked away I peeked around the corner again but didn't see the twin. Did she go around the other side of the ally or something...I took a step into the alley to see if I was missing something but as I finished that thought I heard a voice behind me. "You lost something".

"Shit" blurted out of my mouth by surprise as I jumped turning myself around. "Oh heyyy Milaaa, I was just taking a walk and saw.." cutting myself off I realized it was actually her sister and I felt a cold chill run through my body as she gave me that cold smile. I've never felt such a feeling before..a feeling of pure malice and threat. The thoughts of that night and the story Xavier told us about him being tortured by her sped through my mind at full speed as we kept heavy contact. She took a step forward and I felt my heart drop to the floor as I realized the predicament I was in..

"I recommend..you keep my sister out of this, and that goes for your friends too" she whispered with a low tone towards me as her eyes began to glow light yellow . I tried to shake off the feeling and activated my abilities as well, with my eyes glowing and feeling the crystals around the ground beneath us. "Ouu scary, she actually has fight but your not ready, you don't even fully understand the gift you've received" she spoke as she played with something in her hand, but I couldn't see it. I heard it keep hitting against her palm as she tossed it up and down then it dawned on me, it's not just herself she can turn invisible, a knife?!

"Too slow.." uttered from her glossy lips as she rushed thrusting it towards my side. We stood for a brief moment and I stayed in shock. "Or not..." my voice shook as I see how close it could've been if I didn't cover that area with my crystals. The knife dangled with the tip in the crystal as she jumped back regaining ground. I broke into a cold sweat as I see now just how far she will go..just how inhumane she really is. "At least you let me put the tip in" she winked at me as she vanished completely while waving goodbye. I made the crystals disappear and the blade fell to the ground. I ran to the spot where she stood, but she was long gone..

-Ring ring ring-

I looked down and dug in my pocket pulling out my cellphone. "Hey Sky you ok we heard you were brought to the station" Xavier's concerned voice called out to me. I couldn't fathom what happened just now or how close I was to actually getting clinically hurt.. "Hey you there? Helloooo" his voice called out again slowly getting louder. "God damn it Sky can't you see we're wondering if to pack our shit or not?!" I heard Evan's voice beside his yell out. I snapped out of it and replied as best as I could.
"Y-yh don't worry, it was just questioning..just a bad run in that's it.." I mumbled remembering exactly what she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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