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Xavier's  POV: I woke up in the backseat of Sky's car trying to comprehend what's going on. When did I get in here, did we crash?..I feel so drained and I see Evan in the front seat.

Theres a human size dent where it looks like his body hit, that's strange physically he looks fine. I look over and I see Skyler bleeding from her head a little but no major damage.

My head hurts, the last thing I remember is trying to help that little boy and then something hit me over the head. "SHIT THE BOY, I gotta go back for him!" I yelled in realization, I tried to wake them up but Sky wasn't showing signs of moving..

"Oh no no no..don't be dead y'all can't be dead" I said basically prayer while I check their pulses. "Aw thank God your alive" I said with relief. I tried to open the back door but something was holding it shut, that's strange, the car's the right side up and I know because we're parallel with the ground right now..

Wait, we're off the ground, I look out my window and I couldn't believe what I seen. There were clear crystals all around the car coming from the ground, it was as if it caught the car before it could hit the ground.

"What the hell is going on..this is crazy" I said in disbelief. I started kicking my door to try to open it then all I heard was a whisper of "Can you guys keep it down" coming from Evan.

"Evan, ah shit your awake perfect!" I said with joy. "Try opening your door mines is stuck" I told him trying to get him conscious. "The car door?..oh crap the car!" I heard him say finally catching himself. He tried to open it but it didn't budge, and then he got irritated and pushed it with his weight hitting the door and I heard the crystals on his side crack then break.

"Huh, but wasn't I did he.." I thought to myself confuckled. "Great! It's a good thing I started trying to crack the crystals by you and Sky so it could be easier to get out." I said sarcastically.

I remember him being strong but that's crazy, that was basically rock that he broke and he didn't even have enough space to get full range to break it. Through his open door he jumped out then I pulled Skyler out and held her bridal style as I jumped down from the car.

Skyler's  POV: My's killing me, but, I'm also comfortable right now. Someone's holding me, I slowly open my eyes to see a man holding me bridal style with my face to his chest. He smelt like cologne and it was the good kind.

I looked up at the face and it was Xavier, his eyes were back to their dark mystic brown that I liked. Agh I'd never tell him that, I must've groaned because he looked down at me and he smiled and slowly rested me down on the ground to sit.

"Don't move too fast you must've hit your head on the..umm semi-impact" he said almost confused on how to explain it. I looked behind him and saw Evan by my car that was held in the air by a formation of crystals.

"Noooo my car, my parents are gonna kill me..shit. How the hell did this.." I said in a whining confused voice. Then I remembered the last thing to happen, the explosion and how I saw that light before I lost consciousness.

In the distance we heard sirens heading in our direction but were more than likely heading towards that powerplant..*memories of earlier that night start flooding in* "Oh right, crazy scientist, invisible girl, shadow Xavier, colorful shockwave" I thought to myself.

"Remember when I said not to move so fast Sky..well I think I changed my mind" I heard Xavier say as he stared in the direction the police were coming from.

"Weee gotta go..again" I heard Evan say trying to get our attention. Fuck what do we do, there's crystals surrounding my car and we can't outrun all these cars in the state we're in.

Maybe I can do something about the crystals I thought, I felt like I had an unconscious connection with it for some reason. I tried holding out my hand and focusing on it like they do in movies andd......nothing.

"God why are you acting so fucking stubborn!" I said throwing a tantrum then throwing my arms down. As I did the crystals sunk back into the ground as fast as I made the motion and my car landed on her tires.

"Are you trying to crush me sky!" I heard Evan yell as he jumped back from the vehicle. "Get in the car let's go!" I heard Evan behind me as he grabbed my hand and started running to and in the the car. Xavier drove with Evan in the passenger seat and me in the back. Before the cops came we drove down a different street and drove to the dorms.

Evan's  POV: "Soooo we're not gonna address the fact that Skyler can control crystals apparently and Xavier turned into a freaking shadow demon in that quack lab" I said before getting interrupted by Skyler.

"He's not a shadow demon! And I have no explanation for all that ok" she said sounding defensive. "Well then" I replied in a sassy tone.

We parked up by Xavier's dorm and he offered for us to stay there for the night if we wanted. We accepted and wasted no time getting in. I put my jacket down on the couch and saw Xavier giving Sky a blanket and his bed and them having a conversation.

Xavier's  POV: "Here's a blanket Sky, you can have my bed by the way" I told her. I was tryna make her feel more comfortable, she looked like she was walking on egg shells ever since she woke up in the car.

"The couch is ok though you can have your bed" she said, but I know she needed the rest more than me. "Oh please, and leave you out there with the animal? I think not" I said trying to be reassuring. She rolled her eyes then said "you're so corny when your ready" and with that kissed me on my cheek. "I'm glad your ok" she whispered as I stared stunned into her eyes.

She went to bed and I turned off the lights and closed the door. I went to Evan and brought his blanket and started questioning what really went down earlier tonight.

He explained everything up and until the point of the car in the air. I stood there with a shook expression.. "I really dont remember any of this bro" I said to him holding my head. "Damn well hey just relax, what's the last thing you remember?" Evan said sounding concerned. The last thing I remember? What do I remember..? I went for the kid but then something knocked me out and then...
*flashback occurs*

"-laughter- now stay still we need to get your adrenaline up before I give you the void" I heard the doctor say to me while I was chained with a broken leg. "Pleasee..I can't take anymore..PLEASE!" I screamed with pain in my voice.

I felt something grab my arm but I couldn't see what it was. "NOO" I yelled as I kicked it with my opposite leg. It let go then I tried to figure out where it was. "-snickers- You might actually survive this, you have some fight in you experiment X...I lOVE it -laughter-" I heard from the scientist and i cringed. *SNAP* I heard...I slowly looked to my left as I saw my arm was crushed against the wall by something I still couldn't see.

"Huh...AGHH" I screamed until my voice gave out. I saw the scientist finally come in the cage and say "Thank you Elena".

I still dont understand... I felt him inject a needle into my neck, and everything started to turn dark, I felt as though I was being sucked in and everything went blank from there.

Evan's  POV: "Holy shit, dude, yo are you ok".. I asked Xavier but I got nothing back. "Xav you heard me right" I tried again as I touched his shoulder.

Dark shadows started to come out of his body just like before, "Noo no no not again, YO" I said tapping him. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I heard him yell as his eyes turned golden brown like before. "Hey it's me relax" I said trying to calm him down but soon noticing he wasnt in his right mind, almost acting out unconsciously. The shadows started to cover the room and I freaked out.

"I'll kill you for this..." Xavier said low but sternly as he looked at me with those sharp golden eyes..

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