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Evan's  POV: Not this shit again...
All I ask for is time to rest but noo, I'm fighting psychopaths, I'm with people with superpowers, and now Xavier's threatening to kill me.

"Dude it's me, snap out of it" I said trying to sound confident.

Xavier slowly looked up at me and as his eyes made contact with mines I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Bro I don't know what happened in there but you gotta catch yourself" I said while stepping back to have space between us.

Right as I thought that Xavier was gonna charge at me, I saw him lean over and a shadow figure of him rise up out of his back. It took the shape of him but with claws for hands and no eyes, it smiled at me and I couldn't move as the room started to get enveloped in darkness.

Xavier suddenly looked up at me and the shadow disappears and reappears  in front of me with it's right claw in the air ready to slash me.

I jumped back but I flew farther than I expected to go and bursted through his front door. As I did I saw a bright crystal wall form on front of the shadow blocking it.

"Woah, shit, how did I..AWSOMEE!" I said with shock then a joyful surprise.

"Wait crystals? SKYLER!!" I said with urgency as I jumped with all my force straight into the room breaking through the thick crystal wall.

I landed to see the shadow in Xavier walking towards Sky slowly and a bright light eliminating from both of her hands.

"Skyler!" I screamed.

Skyler's  POV: I layed in his bed and it was huge and so comfortable.

"Big enough that he could've layed with you" A part of me thought for a second.

"Aghh and I kissed him on the cheek what was I thinking, he probably thinks I'm awkward" I said to myself flustered as I blushed.

I can't believe he let me have his bed. Wait if I'm sleeping here and Evan's on the couch, where is Xav sleeping.

I heard commotion happening outside and I glanced at the bedroom door.

It looked as though the lights were off in the living room, but if they're still talking so lively why are the lights off.

I saw a dark fade slowly coming into the room and I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door because of a bad gut feeling.

I opened it and saw a matt black figure coming out of Xavier. I looked around but everything was covered in a void of darkness. I saw the figure disappear and appear in front of Evan ready to butcher him.

I instantly reacted putting my hands out as though trying to tell it to stop. A bright glow illuminated from my hands and a crystal wall rose quickly in the way of it and Evan.

I realized what i did and looked at my hands with surprise. I put my attention back on Xavier understanding the situation and saw the shadow go back to him.

Xavier hunched over, turned his head with speed in my direction with his glowing golden brown eyes. He stood straight with his head tilted to the side and the shadow over him.

He started walking towards me as though every step was heavy.

He stopped in front of me, and with surprise Evan came breaking through the crystal wall and landing with one hand on the ground for better balance.

He screamed my name and Xavier's shadow turned around to face him.
With the distraction, I put my hands around Xavier's face and forced myself to make my hands as bright as possible.

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