New Friendships

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Evan's  POV: "Gooooddd Morning my love birds" I say walking into the room.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything y'all seemed to be getting a little rowdy" -winks at Xavier-.

"Why you plotted this didn't you!" Sky replied with temper in her tone.

"Well I hope you slept well Sky my dear but breakfast is ready for us all anddd you guys need to see the news."

Xavier and Sky looked at each other confused then walked into the kitchen.

Their plates were already set by yours truly and I turned up the TV volume on the News.

News TV Clip: "An unknown explosion occured last night outside of the city by the powerplant. We're still unaware if anyone was injured or what mistake could've caused this.

Strangely enough, there were multiple occurrences around the city, and you won't believe me when I say this folks but..citizens starting to use "supernatural abilities". I know you may be in disbelief so look at this one video.

*It showed a man controlling flames and panicking while his house is on fire. The neighbor claimed to be rocking her baby back to sleep to hear and see a man screaming while running around on fire. The fire department was soon on the scene along with law enforcements*

Well that proves it ladies and gentlemen, would I ever lie to you? The superpowered man told reporters, "before the flames occured he only remembers being on his porch and was hit with what looked like a shockwave". Well, what a way to start a Monday, I'm Robert Stentman and I'll keep you posted.

-Evan mutes TV-
"You see what's going on now? Guys, this explains why we got these powers, it's one step closer to making sense!" I said sounding excited.

"Ok maybe, but what about Xavier's powers, he started using them before the explosion didn't he?" Sky replied pointing it out.

She looked over at Xavier and asked "Unless something different happened to you in the lab Xav?"

"Noooo, stopp, listen last time I asked that he went on a freaking frenzy and I don't think I'm ready for that again. I mean..I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY EGGS YET, HAVE SOME DECENTSY!" I rambled on pleading.

"Frenzy?" Xavier said confused.
"Wait, I remember you asking what happened in the lab and I just remembered what all took place that night in the lab..."

Skyler put her hand on his back and asked what's wrong?

"You need a snicker? You're not you when your a Shadow demon" I said to Xavier but got shot down by Skyler's glare.

Xavier's  POV: I looked down and started thinking about what happened after getting knocked out.
I thought about how the scientist tortured me to get my adrenaline up before injecting me with his experiment. I explained everything and EVERY detail that conspired on my way to the lab and after I got knocked out.

Skyler and Evan both looked disgusted and shocked as to what happened to me.

"DAMN IT" I heard Evan yelled as he slammed his fist on my counter. It broke and his face just had a surprised oh shit look.

Before he got to say anything I told him it was ok and that I'll get maintenance to fix it.

They looked too concerned and shocked so I broke the ice and mentioned the fact we should probably go to class.

They asked if I was mentally and physically up to it and I insisted I'm fine. I ran them out my dorm after breakfast and told them I'd see them in class and after.

I took a deep breathe and started to get ready for my class later this morning.


Evan's POV: I feel as though Xavier really shouldn't be pushing himself so hard after all that..but it's his decision I'm not his daddy.

I have English 1303 with him anyway so I can try to watch his back.

I got to class and everyone was talking  about the incident on the News, I sat beside Xavier and the teacher started the class by introducing a new student whose name is Mila.

She was around 5'8, blonde hair and clear skin. She smiled to the class and said thank you then smiled at Xavier.

Jeez guess the rumors are true, interested people only come around when your in or about to go in a relationship, crazy huh.

But I cant put my finger on it but her shape looks familiar. It's something............but I don't know.

She sat behind us and before I could think any further a kid in class started to levitate, like shit you not flying. The girl was panicking and the teacher called security who then called law enforcement.

The police showed up in no time and took her into custody and said "It was for her own safety". The girls friend responded upset "Well if that's true then why was she in handcuffs!".

The officer told everyone to settle down and said that was for everyone else to be safe. He also mentioned that if we were see someone with powers we MUST report it to the proper authorities.

Me and Xavier glanced at each other and already knew what was going on. "I believe the governments trying to detain those with powers to keep balance." I whispered to Xav.

"Yh you're right, we'll talk about this later" Xavier told me.

"Talk about what?" We heard from behind us. We jumped and looked back to see Mila talking to us.

"Nothing of your concern ma'damn" I replied snarky.

She rolled her eyes and put her hand out to Xavier for a handshake and introduced herself "Nice to meet you, I'm Mila". Xavier shook her hand and replied "Xavier, and this is Evan".

"Hey don't go around giving people my government name like that" I said trying to cut him off, but Mila continued, "It's so nice to meet you! I guess your my new friend, me and my twin sister moved here recently because of our Uncle's job so we don't know anyone or anyplace around here like that".

"A twin?! That's awsome, I would make a joke about y'all reading each others minds but I dont think we need that guy coming back in here with more cuffs" Xavier told her. She laughed and replied "Good to know you prefer me around."

Woah, ok, is it just me or is she really reaching I thought.

"Aight Xav pay attention would ya. Ms. G's about to start and who's supposed to help me if your off over here like your swiping right on Tinder" I said breaking them off.

After 2 hours class finally came to a close and I didn't hear any extra peeps from new girl.

"Aight let's go meet Sky at the burger shack before she throws another tantrum" I reminded Xavier.

On our way there we saw that Mila chick again and she asked if there's anything to eat around here. I politely ignored but Xavier hadddd to make conversation.

"I mean there's a burger shack near here that we're actually headed to if you wanna come" he told her before receiving a hit upside the head from me.

"The fuck's that all about!" he snapped at me. I reminded him that we're meeting Sky to talk about EVERYTHING. He told me to relax, and that basically we just gotta tell her about what happened in class and Mila was there already soo.

As right as you are I just didn't want her to come, she gives me a bad feeling.

We met Sky at the Shack and we all said our hi's until she saw Mila and she froze.

SKYLER'S  POV: .....Evan wtf is this..

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