Males Rape Victims Exist 6

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In conclusion, Some people may argue that men don't get raped ; however, there are facts and statistics that men do in fact get raped and choose not to report for the reason being that; male rape victims get harshly jugded by society, don't get offered the same help as female victims, and majority of male victims feel emasculated and/or embarrassed.

Male rape victims exist and there are  narratives that men don't get raped and  rarely get raped.

The arguementative side believes that males who are sexually assulted by other males have to be gay or presenting to be gay and that males aren't affected by rape and sexual assault as much as females.

There are facts and statistics that men do in fact get raped and choose not to report for these reasons. Male rape victims get harshly jugded by society, don't get offered the same help as female victims, and majority of male victims feel emasculated and/or embarrassed. Male rape victims should get the exact same treatment and care as female victims.

Majority of male rape incidents are hate crimes and the victims to this are usually gay and some males are getting raped because of their sexual orientation and in addition to that they get bullied, assaulted, and murdered in some cases.

Men have been getting raped for centuries in prison and adapt to the fear of  being raped in prison simply because it comes up so much to the point where it is now normalized and is constantly made a mockery.  It is one of  the biggest hidden crimes that has been normalized in certain cases and ignored in most cases.

Male rape victims existDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora