Males Rape Victims Exist 4

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Males rape males and females rape males. It isn't non existent. Rape and sexual assult have absolutley nothing to do with masculinty and femininity, it is about ; Power, control, and domination. Majority of rape cases have absolutley nothing to with sex.

Rape in most cases  is usually about feeling powerful and making the victim feel powerless as possible and the act of forced sexual intercourse is the best way to make someone feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, ashamed, and powerless.

Adrian and Michael assert in their article that "It has been argued by McMullen (1990) that males who sexually assault other males do so because they wish to dominate other males. That subjugation of another male can be motivation for sexual assaults is supported by the following quote from a rapist:

"I didn't have an erection. I wasn't really interested in sex. I felt powerful, and hitting him excited me. Making him suck me was more to degrade him than for my physical satisfaction." 

Rape is  usually tended out strip someones humanity and break them down. It's a known fact that men often get raped or sexually assualted in prison and some who are seen as weak or gay get forced into playing the femime role. It becomes a man's fear to get raped if they are headed to prison.

The argumentative side believes that all men who go to prison deserve to be raped and sexually assualted. Rape and sexual assault is wrong and shouldn't happen to anybody. Males adapt to the fear of  being raped in prison simply because it is an undeniable fact and at a point where it is now normalized and is constantly made a mockery. 

Men have been getting raped for centuries in prison and are evolving into an enormous problem that's  known to be  acknowledged as a joke . It has been made a mockery for many years by society, television, and media.

In some cases some males who tend to have confusion and anger about their sexual orientation tend to bully and harass others. The argumentative side believes that Males who rape and sexually assult other males are most definitely gay.

Male rape victims existNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ