Males Rape Victims Exist 1

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Why don't male rape victims feel comfortable talking to anyone? What are the reasons as to why they don't report their encounters or decide to report it later on? It is considered one of the biggest hidden crimes that has been normalized in certain cases and ignored in most cases.

Unfortunately , many males at a point in their life have been raped, sexually assaulted, or taken advantage of by either a male or female. The victims of this don't have a clue on how to handle it or what to even think of it simply because they don't know how to fully comprehend what had just happened to them. When it comes down to the facts on this topic, male victims have been ignored, swept under the rug, sexually assaulted, and judged.

Why is that? Why is it that they don't get acknowledgement and treatment when they've been sexually assaulted? Some people may argue that men don't get raped ; however, there are facts and statistics that men do in fact get raped and choose not to report for the reason being that; male rape victims get harshly jugded by society, don't get offered the same help as female victims, and majority of male victims feel emasculated and/or embarrassed.

Male victims get bashed and questioned for getting raped in the first place and society paints this masculine and dominant picture of men. Men are supposed to be strong and be able to destroy and conquer every emotional and physical battle that comes to them in life and if they don't then they're seen and portrayed as fragile, gay, and weak.

If they don't uphold the picture society paints for males then the harsh whip comes down on them which is why they choose to stay silent . As a result victims tend to; not report their encounters, commit suicide, or deal with it by themselves.

Male rape victims existWhere stories live. Discover now