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August 11th

"See this is the first time I had a girl whose look set me on fire. I'm really tryna get to know you better girl you ain't gotta act like you shy"

The new song that Zoey's mystery man sent her played through her car speakers. He named the song poppin and she was really feeling it. She loved the songs but she also wanted to meet her secret admirer. As I drove home I got a call from my best friend.

Hey girl what's up?," Zoey said; Nah I ain't doin nuin tonight. Umm.. Fine okay. I'll be at your house at 5. After hanging up with Lizzy. I walk into the house and my parents were on the couch.

Hey ma hey dad," Zoey spoke

Love bug how was school?." Dad asked; I took a apple juice out the fridge and sat down at the island. Well .. dad I'm ready to graduate," She whined

That's that senior-itis," Ma laughed

Speaking of school there's a letter here for you," Mom and dad said handing me an open envelope. My mail is open," Zoey said

They looked at each other as if they didn't do anything wrong. Y'all keep opening my mail ima have y'all liked up, you know it's illegal," We laughed

Zoey opened the letter and seen it was from LSU..

Dear, Zoey Robinson

Here at Louisiana State University we strive on academic excellence and search thoroughly through thousands of applications. We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Louisiana State University! You have been also conditionally accepted into the bachelors of psychology program! We hope that we will see you in the fall semester! Go Tigers!

Congratulations baby!," Dad said and pulled out an LSU banner

I gotta call mommy!," I pulled out my phone. Zoey dialed her moms number and her step sister answered the phone.

Can I speak to my mom? It's Zoey.
Mom: Hey Zoe Zoe about time you called
Mommy guess what," I said excitedly like a child
It's LSU
Mom: Oh no baby I'm sorry you didn't get in I told you that you needed to get a higher ACT score

No ma'am I.. I got accepted mommy," Zoey said. The phone got quiet and I heard ma laughing at one of the jokes my step sister said then she got back on the phone.

Did you hear what I said
Mom: Yeah that's good baby look I gotta go
Okay well I love. Before she could finish her mom hung up the phone. My parents stood there with sad and disappointed looks on their face.

Zoey I'm so sorry about your mother I'll talk to her," Dad sighed

It's okay she was just busy I mean handling so many kids can be tough right. Let's not forget this," I showed dad my scar from when I was a child.

She went to her room and turned on some music and worked on a paper for her honors class but after awhile she couldn't focus. She threw herself on her bed and started to cry, she tried to cry softly but ended up just whaling.

Zoey can I come in?," Lisa knocked. Yes ma'am," Zoey replies. Lisa came in the room and asked for permission to sit on the bed after Zoey said yes she sat down and instantly Zoey put her head in Lisa's lap.

Why doesn't she love me anymore Lisa?," I cried

Don't say that! I know your mom is a little .. but she loves you Zoe and if she decided not to be interested in your life anymore then that's her missing out and believe me she's gonna miss a lot. With that black girl magic," Lisa smiled

Ma that sounded so .. uncool," We laughed

I uh.. you called me mom," She reared up. Because I love you and your my mom," Zoey said and they hugged

Nigga I don't want to go!," He yelled at Christian.

Come on man it'll be fun. Zoeys going," Christian smiles. Aight nigga let me get dressed." He sighed

BigC and his girlfriend, well Lizzy is going to the skating rink and I wasn't tryna be third wheeling. Chris got into the shower and washed up. When he got out he threw on a white shirt, black pants, timbs and a hat backwards.

Aight mom and dad we out," Chris and BigC left. As I followed the GPS I realized were we were going

Nigga you don't even know how to skate!," I laughed

I know but Lizzy does and she wants me to try it so why not," BigC laughed and shook his head. You really like this girl huh?," I asked him

Hell yeah," He blushes

Look man.. There go Zoe and Liz," We both looked up. When the two men looked up and smiled at how pretty they were.

You really like Zoey huh?," BigC smirked

Hell yeah man." He said in awe

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