August 3rd

What to wear? What to wear? Zoey flipped through her closet looking for something to wear to school. She almost decided on sweatpants until she came across a black and yellow dress. I threw it on and put my hair in a low puff with my fanny pack. I was almost ready until my rubber band popped. Ugh the curse of being natural. Zoey does her hair all over again and finally goes downstairs.

Morning daddy," She kisses her dad on the cheek

Hey baby doll! Someone's gonna be a big girl Friday," Dad teased

Daddy please don't get all sentimental on me," She chuckled

I'm not it's just you and your sisters are growing up so fast, Chloe is about to be a sophomore in college and Bailey will be 4 next year. My babies," He put down his newspaper.

Terrence are you getting sentimental again?", Zoeys step mom Lisa came out the back

No," He lies

Yes." Zoey said

Lisa laughed and grabbed her a cup of coffee. Oh baby I have everything for your party and your dad and I will be gone for the weekend," Lisa looked at Terrence

Right we..

Correction we will be gone not worrying about if Zoey isn't being responsible or talking to guys. Right Terrence?," Lisa said

Yes honey," Dad sighed

I promise I'm gonna be responsible," She said grabbing her car keys.

What about the boys?," Dad asked

See ya after school," Zoey laughed and walked out

Zoey unlocks her car and throws her bag into the passenger seat. She started her white Malibu and headed to pick up Lizzy. When I got to her house she was coming out the door. Damn she's blessed. I mean we both have nice ass houses, nice neighborhoods, jobs but our parents help us out when needed but it's one thing Lizzy has that I don't and that's her biological mom. I have my biological sisters and daddy but my mom divorced my dad when I was 10. Her thoughts were cut off when Lizzy got into the car.

Zoeeeeeeee," She yelled

Wassup girl," Zoey said driving to school

Thinking about your mom again?," Lizzy asked her

Yeah but I'm ok," I said

Someone got a birthday fridayyyyy." Lizzy smiles

I'm so ready for my party girl. Speaking of party are we gonna hit the mall after school? It'll be me, you, Ashlee and my cousin," Zoey said

The gay one? Lonnie?," Lizzy got excited

Girl yes.," We laughed

Lizzy and Zoey pulled up into the school parking lot and got out, heading to the building. When I was walking to my finite math class I passed Christian and his brother.

Christian," Zoey said

What's up y'all," He hugged us

I'm having a birthday party Friday. Your invited," I hand him the invitation

Bet. Can I bring someone?." He asks

As long as they know how to behave then yeah," She smiles

Alright see you Friday then," He said

You didn't invite Chris?," Lizzy asked

Who?," I asked

Chris.. Christians brother," Lizzy said in a duh tone

Oh. I'm pretty sure he'll come with Christian,"She shrugged her shoulders


I'm not going with you Christian," Chris said as he sat at the lunch table

Why not bro? It's the first party of the year," He said

She don't even notice me nigga," I sighed; But I'll come," He sighed again

That's my boy we gonna have a good time and I get to see Lizzy in her swim suit," Christian but his lip

Ain't you still a virgin man?." He rubbed his chin

Bitch ain't nobody ask you," We laughed

Come on man let's get to class," Chris said

When they got into the hallway they split up. I was on my way to finite math class. I sat next to this girl I never seen before .. well I thought I never seen before it was her.. Zoey.

Hey," Zoey smiles

Hi." He says shyly

What's your name?," She asked

When she asked me that I felt embarrassed because we had seen each other times before and she still didn't know who I was. It's Chris." He said trying to smile

Nice to meet you,"Zoey said shaking his hand

You too,"He whispers

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